Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Hatake Compound

Kaito's POV: 1st Person

"Take care Kaito!" Tsunade called as the door the door shut behind me. Kakashi strolling along the hallway, as if I was not resisting to the point where he was literally dragging me. It hurt to have the collar pulling and digging into my neck, but I was trying to get the stupid leash to slip off, even going as far as shaking my head, instead the leash was just getting tighter, and pinching. He didn't even seemed notice. This guy was strong. I couldn't put up the fight that I wanted to, thanks to my hurt leg. He pushed the last set of doors open and I was blinded by the sunlight that greeted my eyes.

"Aw!! Kakashi Sensei, is this the ninken Lady Tsunade was looking after?!" A loud pink haired girl, squealed, running up to us.

I backed up at her fast approach, my hackles raised in warning. She was loud and I did not like her.

"He's so cute! His eyes are like emeralds!" She squealed again.

I flattened my ears, and gritted my teeth together.'Cute? She did not just call me cute?! Grrr!' It would not be a good idea to bite someone's face off in front of an S-class shinobi. I glared up at the happy looking Copy Ninja, letting this girl make such an ungodly sound.

"Maa, he doesn't seem to want to go home, Sakura. Maybe you can convince him?" Kakashi said, with a pout clear in his tone.

The girl actually tried to give me a stern look, and pointed her finger at me. "Now you be good." She said, as if I was just some common dog.

I growled at her, snapping my teeth very close to her finger. Her voice was so annoying. I wanted to rip her throat out.

She seemed taken aback, at my reaction, but instead a moving away from me, she moved closer. "No, need to be so defensive. See?" She reached her hand forward.

I watched her hand as it came closer. I didn't understand her gesture. What was she going to do with that hand? Hit me because I snapped at her? I am honestly surprised my new Master is not giving me my punishment, if that is the case. Was he going to let her exact her revenge on me, and then scold me when we finally were in his domain? I lowered myself closer to the ground to try and avoid the contact, until I couldn't go any lower without it looking like I was submitting. I would never submit! I flinch when her hand rubbed between my ears, before she switched to scratching behind my ears. My eyes went wide at the weird touching she was doing. She shouldn't be doing that. She should be exacting revenge, for snapping at her hand. But, instead....instead she was....'This actually....feels...good.' I found myself moving my head a little to the left, to help guide those fingers, that were scratching at a hard to reach spot. My tail was thumping against the ground. Its never done that, in a long time.

"That's a good boy." The girl; Sakura praised. Pulling back her hand and standing. I stared at her dumbstruck, then looked back at my tail. It had stopped moving, and back in its normal position. I swished it, but it wasn't heartfelt like when she was scratching behind my ears. I don't get what these shinobi's are playing at. Were they going to play the carrot and the stick game with me, or something?

"Sakura, aren't you going to be late for your lesson, with Lady Tsunade?" Kakashi reminded the girl, sending her running into the building, with hurried 'goodbyes' and 'see ya later'.

"Okay Kaito, time to head home." Kakashi said, already moving.

I glared up him, but followed with much resistance this time. I didn't very much like being choked by the leash, and pulling against a force that could drag me without trouble just put more strain on my hurt leg. However, I walked a far away from him as the leash would allow with making it taut. Snapping at any dog that came up to greet me, even a small white pup who came bounding over, I sunk my teeth into his fur in warning; not drawing blood of course. A boy wearing a gray fur lined jacket with the hood up and red markings on his cheeks, who looked around the same age as that Sakura girl, came running up and picking the pup up.

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