Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Gift

Kakashi's POV

The traitor's were being taken back to the village. The pack and myself followed after Kaito and Riku. There was something primal within me that needed to let Kaito show his dominance before we brought the end to Riku. Kaito was a human, and a leader. In pack terms he was betrayed and pushed from his position as a Clan Leader, and that just didn't sit right with me. Before we finished this tonight, I wanted Kaito to take back what was his in the beginning. Ninken or not, deep in his soul Kaito was still human. Even if he hadn't been human, there was no way Kakashi could not let the ninken take out some revenge. I hope after all this Kaito would stay with me and the pack. We would be able to train him maybe even turn him back human.

"Boss, the pups scent changed." Pakkun informed, running beside me.

"Changed?" I asked.

"Yeah, its weird." Pakkun said.

It wasn't long after that we came upon Kaito and Riku. At least, Kakashi was assuming that the big bat-like creature was Kaito. It had Riku pinned against a tree, holding him there with one hand. It was obvious that there had been a fight, if the kunias and shuriken sticking out the creature was anything to go by. "Kami...." He mumbled. The creature had a human physique, with bat like wings on its back, and even crouched was taller than a human.

"What is that Boss?" Pakkun asked.

"I think that's Kaito." I said, not knowing really how to proceed now. Surely he wasn't going to outright kill his only family member, he didn't seem like that type of person. Not wanting to test that theory I dropped down just off to the side of them, letting my presence known.

Riku was the only one that looked my way with panic stricken eyes. "HELP! Help me, damn it!" He pleaded.

The creature growled in displeasure, at the pleading, as its hands shot forward covering Riku's lower face, muffling his pleading. "So noisy." I rumbled. It turned it head in my direction with piercing green eyes.

"Kaito?" I asked, wanting to be sure. I could make out the physical appearance of the boy that had greeted me in Kaito's mind, but it was just hard to tell with it contorted to that of a monster.

"Kakashi...." It rumbled, underneath the rumble was the familiar tone that could only belong to Kaito.

So it was Kaito. Riku with his hands free stabbed Kaito in the shoulder, but if the other kunia ans shuriken were any testament, then small weapon such as those weren't going to deter Kaito in this form.

"Before I end this." Kaito rumbled, turning his attention back to Riku, who had resorted to clawing at the over sized hand smothering half his face. "I want to know why. Why were always so cruel to me? Why did you have to kill him?!" He slammed Riku into to trees bark, the wood splintering at the force. "Why?! He was a kid! I was a kid! I am your brother! You and Aimi were suppose to be supportive! You were suppose to care!" With each sentence he he kept slamming Riku into the bark. "We could have been happy!" He vented tossing Riku's body to the side and stalking over to where he laid still. "You never even tried to listen to me! Even after I tried so hard to be a good brother, even in this form!"

"Kaito." I called, but was ignored, as he picked Riku up by the neck letting him dangle. I notice his fingers start contracting. "Kaito enough!" I ordered. Moving to stand in front of him, but I already knew I was going to be too late.

"I'm sorry Kakashi." He mumbled not looking at me, but keeping his focus on his brother, who he was squeezing the life out of. "But he has to go. The same way he and Aimi made Heki go. I know this is not what you meant, but I can't allow either of us to see the sunrise. We are both monsters." Finally his eyes slid to me. "My summons deserves to be paid, for letting me use her this way, and I have left Heki waiting for far too long." A familiar 'Crack' sounded around the area as Kaito's grip on his brother suddenly tightened breaking his neck. Kaito and I both watched as Riku's body dropped to the ground, where he would not be getting back up.

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