Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Peace Before the Storm

Kaito's POV:

I was awake but I did not want to wake up, my head was killing me and I was still so sleepy. I remembered everything. Kakashi and someone I didn't know had prodded my memories. Kakashi knew everything. Yawning, I sat up and stretched and looked around, I had thought someone would have come by now to start the interrogation. Imagine my surprise to see myself back in Kakashi's home, on the dog bed in my corner. I narrowed my eyes. I didn't trust this. I let my chakra seep out, searching to see if there was anyone in the house. I couldn't sense any of the pack, but I didn't get up from dog bed. I could feel the Leaf hitai-ate back around my neck, and the front and back door to the house was wide open. This felt like a test to me. Years of watching out for test such as these usually didn't end well for me. I leaned just enough to peer up the stairs that was right by my corner, the single door that was up there had been closed ever since I came here. Now it was wide open. I just knew Kakashi was hear somewhere, watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake.

"I know your there. Do I look like I'm stupid?" I called out. "Riku and Aimi loved playing this game. I'm not about to fall for it here."

My ears twitched back toward the stairs at the sound of something moving. I waited a moment longer before I decided that, that was my invitation to go up. Although I was hesitant. Peeking through the door, there was only one room that looked more like a mini-dojo. Kakashi was waiting for me, sitting calmly on the floor, in the middle of the room. He watched me as I entered, and I stopped just a few feet from him, feeling a little foolish.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"We have to talk."

"No, I should be in a cell." I said, glaring slightly at him. "Or did you see something in my memories that you view as useful? You should have just left me there?" I shouted, lashing out, avoiding the real reason as to why I was upset.

"You can't change back can you?" He stated, even though it was said in the form of a question.

I didn't dare look him in the eye as I answered. "No."

"Doesn't matter any more." I shook my head.

"But it does, we could try to help reverse this." Kakashi offered.

"It doesn't work that way. You can't do anything that the Mangetsu Clan hasn't already tried." I said.

He didn't say anything to that, just revealed his left eye, that held the sharingan. "There are no signs what so ever that show that this is a transformation." He finally said, covering the eye back up.

"Yeah." I said. "Now that you know the truth, why am I back in your home. Aren't I consider a threat?"

"In a way yes, but I meant what I had said. I want you as part of the pack. You no longer need to rely on Riku anymore. I'm sure he and Aimi never even tried to turn you back to normal."

"And you think you can?" I scoffed. "Listen, even if you were able to help me, I have been a dog for ten years. I no longer know how to be human. And I handled myself just fine with Riku and Aimi." I couldn't help but growl at the end.

He sighed shaking his head a bit. "This explains so much considering your attitude, teenagers are stubborn."

I growled at that comment.

Kakashi just blinked at me. "Anyway, you being human changes things. And I think I should give these to you." He said, pulling something from behind him. I glanced at his hand, seeing a picture frame and a scroll, as he placed them before me. "I was sent to the Mangetsu Territory to investigate you."

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