Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Summons Summoning

Kakashi's POV:

Pakkun and the pack were waiting for me when I arrived home. Kaito was already asleep in his corner, but again it didn't look like a restful sleep. Nightmares were the worst, especially when it was your past haunting them. I could relate to the struggle Kaito was going through. After today, I held high hopes that his integration here was going to be successful. There was a good chance that despite the slight limp he would still be able to make a career as a ninken. I hope when all this is over, he would decide to stay with me and be one of my ninken. I smiled when I saw that he had his broken pendant trapped underneath one of his paws. I was more than happy to have given something that meant so much to him back.

"Boss." Pakkun moved his head, signaling for me to follow him out into the backyard. "I have something to report." He said, once I had descend from the deck.

"Report? You know I was watching you all the whole time." I said, a little taken aback that he would have something to report.

"Yeah, I know, but you weren't on the ground experiencing the lesson with us." He said. "There's something off about his behavior. His instincts...."

"Could it be that by him not knowing how to respond to pack dynamics, could be throwing off your sense of judgment?" I asked, after thinking about it for a moment.

"I don't think so. I haven't seen a ninken or street dog that doesn't understand how to act in a pack." Pakkun stated.

"Maybe Boss is right." Akino spoke up. "As far as we know we don't know if there were any other ninken around him."

Pakkun gave us both a look. "When have you heard of a Clan with just one ninken. I think we have been patient enough, Boss."

I sighed. Pakkun was not wrong. "Do you think he is ready to answer questions now?" I asked the entire pack, wanting their opinion.

"I think he will more forthcoming than when he first got here." Shiba answered, the others nodding in agreement.

"Okay then." I said, deciding to trust my ninkens judgment.

"The Kyūketsuki Clan summons were bats....." Kaito's voice interrupted us. He was standing in the doorway.

"I thought you were resting, pup." Pakkun said.

"I woke up...." He answered.

"Bats?" I questioned him.

Kaito regarded me for a moment. "You fix my pendant....I will answer your questions."

"That seems fair." I agreed walking back into the house. Kaito stepped aside to let me through, following me to the small bookshelf I had near the T.V.. The pack stayed outside, giving us privacy. "Let me see your pendant and I'll fix it for you." I instructed, as I pulled out a chain link I had stashed away in a box that sat innocently on the shelf. I had bought the link when I had been given the Mangetsu pendant, just in case Kaito did want to fix the it.

"I haven't answered your....questions yet...." He stated, not moving to his corner to retrieve the Mangetsu pendant.

I eyed him for a moment. He may be warming up to us, but he still didn't fully trust us. "I'm not going to ransom your pendant, I wouldn't have given it back to you if I was going to do that, even you must realize this. I'm not going to make you answer question, you are not comfortable with, so there is no need for those types of tactics." I explained patiently to him, watching him as he retrieved the pendant. He never took his eyes off me, waiting for me to change my mind. When I reach my hand out for it he gave it to me, hesitating slightly before actually dropping it in my hand. I sat down on the floor so that I would be closer to his level. "I thought you weren't scared of me?" I asked him, deciding to start off with a simple question.

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