Chapter Three

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"Oh my God, a boy is actually going to be here in ten minutes."

You might think I said that, but no. It was my mother.

"Mom," I groaned. "Chase and Nash come over all the time, and you never freak out about them!"

"Yes, but you invited a real boy here," she said. "Chase and Nash are... Well, you know them."

I almost tried to defend them, but I was too lazy to bother. "Yeah, you have a point."

"Will you two want any snacks? Or dinner later?" she asked. She rushed into the kitchen and turned on the oven.

"Um... maybe?" I answered, following behind her. "Or we could just ask when he gets here and calm down a bit."

"Yeah, yeah," she agreed, putting down the skillet she'd picked up and turning off the oven.

I got a lot of my looks from my mom. I got her black hair, narrow nose, and small face. The only noticeable trait I got from my dad was my round, blue eyes.

"Make sure your room is clean before he gets here," my mom said, checking her watch. I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to my room, despite the fact that I had just cleaned my room like she ordered a half an hour ago.

My house was a nice average size. We had a basement, first floor, and second floor. The living room, dining room, and kitchen took up the first floor while our rooms took up the second. The basement is where I kept my skateboard collection, along with all of our storage boxes. My room was my own miniature kingdom. You could say I had the benefits of being an only child. I had a fun high loft bed with a desk underneath. Beside it were a couple of black, fuzzy chairs. A TV was mounted high on the wall, that way I could also watch it in bed. Most of my time was spent here or in the basement.

"Oh my God! He's here, Elle! He's here!" my mom yelled up the stairs.

"Then let him in!" I yelled back, laughing. Her nervousness helped me to stay calm. "And tell him to come up here!"

He didn't even have to ring the doorbell. My mom opened the door and I watched through the window as Cameron glided up the sidewalk on his longboard. He flipped it out from under his feet and propped it up against the porch before he came in.

"Hello, I'm Elle's mom. Please call me Elaine," she introduced herself politely.

"Nice to meet you, Elaine," I heard Cameron respond. "I'm Cameron Dallas."

"Well, Cameron, Elle is just upstairs if you want to find her there," my mom said. "If you want, I can start making some food down here in case you get hungry later."

"Oh, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about it," Cam said. "But thank you."

"No problem, sweetie."

I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I began to lose my cool, and my stomach finally started to churn with nerves as he got closer. So he could find my room, I leaned out of the doorway. "Hey, Cameron. I'm in here." He met my eyes and grinned. I got light headed at the sight. He wore dark jeans, a grey thin sweater with NY on the front in big letters, and a dark jean jacket over top. His hair was wildly gelled upward. He looked like the perfect bad boy.

"Is this your room?" he asked, walking through the doorway with me.

"Uh... yeah," I answered, struggling to regain my voice. I felt underdressed in my gray capri sweats and blue sweatshirt from a random college.

"It looks like you," he said, studying my DJ Snake and Yellow Claw posters. "You're a fan of dubstep?"

"Trap music," I corrected. "It's totally different than that dubstep 'blender' music."

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