C H I L D ' S B I R T H D A Y

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If you're wondering why I updated so much its because I just moved (when you're going to see this is probably a week or two) and we have to install wifi again but the guy we trust is currently not in our city so we have to wait for a while

The boys, their wives, their children, ad you would all find a baseball game close to the date of your children's birthday; in or out of town you'd try to go as long as it was baseball. After the baseball game you'd travel to Minnesota where you burried your still born baby. The baby was supposed to be a girl and you were supposed to have 5 children but sadly the first one-the still born child, didn't quite make it out alive it was a traffic moment for both of you. Then all of you would go to the Why Don't We house and watch a little movie put together by one of the adults about everything in your life starting from when both of you were born, when you 2 met, when the band met, when the band was form, when you started dating,etc.

Corbyn x Christina
First everyone would dress in a black top with a white design, they'd go on a picnic making sure to have mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. Then they'd spoil their dog whether it was bringing him to a spa, giving him a huge bowl of human food, or just flooding him with endless amounts of love they would spoil him. After that they would go to an animal shelter get an animal that has stayed there for long and try their best to find a home for it but with 5 men, 5 women, and 10 children they'd always find the animal a home. All of them would gather at the Why Don't We house at the end of the day and sleep there for the night in their old rooms with their children in the living room doing whatever the hell they want to do.

The way of you celebrate their birthdays is quite simple but fun. Everyone would go watch a movie and after that they would go get smoothies, of course Amber's being Watermelon and James's being Strawberry with yours and Daniel's being mixed, while the rest switched up their flavors. After that the boys and girls would split up and do whatever they want to do and meet up at the Why Don't We house with Both why don't we and we probably shouldn't performing a song together then just falling asleep to watching movies and eating unhealthy food

Everyone would go to skating rink or amusement park, or anything like that as long as it involved skating, skates, fun rides, and stuff toys. Your daughter being boyish but still girly loved a lot of things and one of them happened to be writing and performing songs so every year they'd record a song that she wrote and that started ever since she was 11 after recording they would publish the audio and see if anyone wants a music video all the limelights love her songs and wish she publishesore than 1 song every year.

You and Zach like your little to be treated like a princess so you plan a whole party for her and she helps plan it. She really is a princess because if you look into her eyes she would look like she's wearing a crown, she was always so gentle, helpful, and kind. They would have it at the why don't we house once the party is over they watch a little movie of fun memories over her past birthdays put together by either Jonah, You, or Zach.

Song lyrics:
I've been all through the country...(why don't we)

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