Chapter 18 - Michael

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The fight was a hard-hitting and brutal one. Eventually with the number loss on the opposing wolves that attacked they had fallen back allowing us room to take care of our own. I knew why they were here. The minute the wolves attacked the border, I knew they came for one thing and one thing only.

Some one knows Misha's real identity.

When I arrived on the scene, my father had already fallen. He was severely bleeding and laying on the ground, far from the fight. His femoral artery was torn into. He was bleeding out and bleeding out fast.

The ambulance in town came by to pick up the injured and dead bodies. My father went on the first one to the hospital. Beta Josef had multiple wounds on his body but could still walk. He looked exhausted when he walked up to me.

"That was a tough one. I had never seen so many wolves attack the border like that before." Beta Josef said.

"They were skilled. They came prepared but they were surprise how heavily guarded our borders are." I answered.

"These wolves--they aren't rogues. Rogues don't usually work in packs or know any kind of formations. They become feral and uncontrollable. These wolves- "Beta Josef was cut short when I answered his thoughts for him.

"They are hired skilled mercenaries. Their formation of attacks was well thought out. They took out the strongest on our side first."

"You think your father will be okay?" He asked suddenly remembering my father was on an ambulance.

I nodded, running a frustrated hand through my hair. Things were running too fast. The attacks on the border could only mean that whoever it was that wanted Misha was already one step ahead of them.

"Fvck." I growled out. The bottled-up frustration and fury inside me threatening to burst.

Josef slapped me on the back, "Go. Go check on your father and Misha. I'll take of whatever is left from here. Those mercenaries' wolves won't be attacking any time soon."

"Make sure to double patrol. Everyone has to be alert and aware. Once everything is settled down, I will hold a pack meeting in the morning." I said before jogging off and then shifting into my wolf.

I ran to the hospital. I needed to know my father was okay. I knew Misha was safe at home. The conversation that I needed to have with her, I knew I can't avoid it now. I needed to tell her.

When I arrived at the small town hospital, I shifted back and grabbed a pair of scrubs to wear before walking further in. I knew where to go. I headed up to the surgical area. Nurses and doctors were running around frantically.

I stopped a nurse to ask here where my father was.

"He is in surgery right now. Doctor Prentice is working on him as we speak." The nurse looked like she was in a hurry but she knew she had to answer me first.

"Was he alive when he got here?" I asked.

She nodded, "He was still breathing. His heart beat was slow but he was still alive. He lost a lot of blood, Alpha."

I nodded and let her go. She quickly scampered away. I moved to sit in a nearby sofa in the waiting area. My hands were bloodied and I was pretty sure my face had all kinds of dirt. The claw marks on my chest and back were hidden on the scrub I had on.

Someone burst through the surgical entrance door and the flash of red caught my attention. I lifted my head up to see Misha walking towards me. She still had on her sleeping clothes.

"What happened?" She looked worried and frantic.

"How did you get here?" I pulled back to look at her fully.

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