Chapter 19 - Misha

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When I stirred awake, Michael was driving us back home. I shifted slightly, feeling a headache coming on I winced and groaned. He turned to look at me. There was no hint of a smile. In fact, he looked almost angry.

"I'm sorry. It just that something in my guts was telling me that I could save him. I did, right? He is okay?" I shifted to sit up a little.

"You did. He is fine now. He will be out cold for the rest of tonight to heal." He replied, his eyes still on the road.

"Then why are you so angry? Shouldn't you be happy?" I asked.

His jaw clenched and ticked, "I am happy."

Who was he kidding? He looked like he could kill anyone right about now. We were quiet the rest of the way as I mulled over his reaction. I also thought about what had happened in the operating room. It was like I had no control over my body. When I felt the power pulse through me and right to the Alpha, I was literally freaking out inside. It was like an out of body experience. My body was moving and knowing what to do when my brain wasn't registering anything.

Michael made turned on the road to head up to the mansion. The sun was now peeking over the horizon. We had been out all night. Michael drove another five miles up the road and made another turn into the driveway to the mansion.

One we were there he parked the car and turned off the ignition without missing a beat he got out of the car, not caring if I followed. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got of the car. We both walked inside together. The pack house was quiet and not a single person in sight. They must all be at the hospital.

When I walked to my bedroom, Michael stopped me.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

I turned to him, "About what I did in the operating room."

He nodded and started up the steps. I assumed I needed to follow him. So, I trailed after the man until we reached his office. He opened the door for me to enter. I walked in and he followed behind me, making sure to close the door.

When he turned around, his face still held the same serious look. He gestured for me to sit in the sofa by the fireplace. I walked over and sat down. The room was now lit with the rising sun. I folded my hands in my lap. I thought he will walk over to sit in the sofa across from me but he surprised me by kneeling in front of me.

The palm of his hands rested on his thighs as he looked me straight in the eyes. Again, Michael wasn't an average size male. He was tall, thick and burly. The fact that he was kneeling and still was able to meet me eye level was another point towards how big he was.

He cleared his throat, "I have something to tell you."

I raised an eyebrow when he didn't continue, he sighed and ran a hand down his face, "I know who you are."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Of course you-"

He raised a hand to stop me. I snapped my mouth shut.

"You are not Laurel. The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew who you are. Your name is Misha and like you have said in the operating room, you are a healer. You don't remember anything but I remember you. You and I met each other before on a different Alpha's territory. You ran away one night and after that I haven't seen you since. I was surprise to see that after two years you were here in my pack all along." He rushed to explain. Everything seemed to spill out of his mouth.


"Let me finish." He moved to grab a hold of my hands in his large ones. "You are a werewolf just like us. You are not human even if you think you are. Remember when I kept asking you if you felt another presence inside of you?"

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