Chapter 27 - Misha

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The usual welcoming of the wood appears to not welcome me like every other occasion. No longer do I feel a sense security or comfort from them. I was roaming on enemy lines almost blindly. I can feel my wolf was on edge. She wasn't as strong yet but she was strong enough to let me know she was there.

The terrain of Alpha Rayne's territory was thick with many hills and valleys. Dense trees that covered the grounds for thirty miles. It took us more than 20 minutes to emerge from her woods and onto open territory. Before me was the pack house and surprisingly, the pack house was well kept. It didn't look awful. It was big and tall. A total of four stories high.

Sebastian turned to look at me, "I need you to stay close to me as much as possible. Always stay in the shadows. Try not to make any noises."

"Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Alpha Rayne has a dungeon below the pack house. She ordered her pack members to dig down deep into the hill that they are on. It is heavily guarded but the way we are going there will be not that much guards to worry about." He answered, turning back to walk into the shadow of the woods. We walked behind the pack house.

I squeezed his hand to get his attention. He turned his head slightly telling me he was listening.

"If you are playing me, Seb, I won't hesitate to kill you." I whispered threateningly.

He squeezed my hand back and we continued to follow the shadows until we hit the back of the pack house. He dropped down onto his knees and felt around in his pocket. He took out a lock picking kit and worked on the locks on the door. It took a while but the doors eventually open.

The pack house was as quiet as the woods. Not a single sound. We entered into a dark hallway that was lit with only one wall light. Sebastian and I walked further down the hallway and passed several rooms until we heard footsteps. In a panic, he turned towards me and pushed me into a room. Luckily, it was unlocked.

He waited for the guard descending footsteps. When it started to sound farther away, Sebastian and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god for human made masked spray." He whispered. I couldn't agree more. If they sniffed us out, we would be dead. Even with Sebastian's amazing knowledge of this place wouldn't save us with the hundreds of wolves living in this pack.

We walked back out of the room we hid in and Sebastian closed the door behind us before leading me again down the dark hallway. We heard voices again talking back and forth. Sounded like there were only two people. Sebastian pulled me into another hallway to avoid bumping into them. We listened to them talk.

"She didn't come. The Alpha is angry." A deep baritone voice stated.

"I am surprised she didn't. She must really be a coward to let another person die in her place." The female voice said. Footsteps grew closer and Sebastian looked at me almost in a panic. He knew they were too close. I covered my mouth with my hands, to stop my breathing.

"It doesn't matter now. We are done with him. The Alpha ordered to get rid of him by tonight." My heart thumped against my chest when realization dawned on me. They were talking about Michael.

"He is too weak. Lost too much blood. Your torturing methods are too cruel, Nate." The woman replied.

The man with the deep baritone voice we now recognized as Nate chuckled darkly. A door opened close by and closed. The two-voice disappearing inside. Sebastian breathed another sigh of relief. He shook his head.

"Too fucking close." He muttered.

We tip toed down the hallway in the direction that they came from. A bolted door leading down to what seem the basement.

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