Chapter 28 - Misha

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I felt like I was floating in air. Everything was so warm and soft. I felt safe. Everything seemed to be fine until I heard a faint beeping noise. My eyes twitched. My body muscles ached.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was back in Michael's room. How is this possible? Was this my kind of heaven?

I turned my head and winced at instant pain.

Ok so this isn't heaven. Heaven shouldn't have pain at least I don't think it does.

My eyes scanned the room and found the source of the beeping noise. It was the patient monitor that was beside Michael's bed. I'm not dead I guess but that doesn't make sense.

Michael drained my blood. I shouldn't have anything left for circulation. It was impossible. I tried to move my body but my body was stiff as if I have been out for days. I managed to lift my left arm and touch my neck and winced. I can tell it was swollen but not as badly damaged as I thought it would be.

I noticed him before I saw him. He was standing behind the door and my eyes snapped towards it like a frog eating their next fly meal. The immense amount of power that excruciated from him was overpowering. I felt a pleasurable chill run down my spine.

The door opened and he entered in. He looked new and not bloodied. Everything about him was the same. He was still tall and big. His burly size only increasing the power that radiated from his body. That was something I also noticed.

It wasn't what I normally felt for him. It was a different kind. One that demands obedience and makes him the commander. His eyes were different too. Gone were the hazel eyes that I adored and in its place, were golden irises like a reflection of the moon.

"M-Michael?" I said hoarsely. His golden irises heated up and heat stirred between my legs. "H-How?"

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Taking one of my hands he held it in his. His eyes weren't on me but on my hands. Tingles spread through that one touch. I sharply inhaled from the electrical current that pulsed through that one touch.

He gave a short laugh, "You feel that, don't you?"

His voice was velvety almost like a purr. If I could bathe in, I will bathe in it forever.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You have been out for days." He explained.

"But how?" I asked impatiently.

He was so elusive. It was driving me irritably mad. Goddess but he looks like a freaking God standing before me. If I wasn't lying in this bed with aching muscles I'll jump him.

He chuckled. "You know I can hear your thoughts. Another power of becoming a lycan."

"So we did it?" I asked.

He nodded and sighed softly before he moved onto the bed next to me. Carefully, he adjusted our position until he held me in his arms. I was snuggly pressed against his body. I turned my head to look up at him.

"I took your blood but not all of it. I stopped drinking once you lost consciousness. Took the amulet and drunk the blood. Once you were out, Alpha Rayne had torn through Sebastian and he died instantly. She made her way towards me but it was already too late. The blood—it worked so fast. I gained my strength back in matter of seconds. I could feel the change happening inside of me but it wasn't happening fast enough.

She was quickly approaching us and I tried to get up but the change I was fighting my own body at the same time. I was struggling to stand on my own two feet. I couldn't protect you but Beta Josef arrived with the rest of the pack warriors. They took her down easily as she was outnumbered. I changed after that and latched onto your neck. I marked you, Misha. You are now mine. My blood is now mixed with yours and you are no longer a werewolf. Love, you are a lycan. You are mine." He explained what happened while I was out.

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