13. LOVE...✔

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Rahul came outside the venue to see Ajay trying to comfort Nidhi. Ajay's message had already told him the situation. "Bhai, let's leave. I have already informed Mr. Mittal," said Rahul. Ajay nodded and said, "I have called for the driver."

The car came. Ajay helped Nidhi to sit in the car and sat next to her. Rahul sat on the other side.

Ajay asked Nidhi, "Are you hurt? Do you want to visit a doctor?" Nidhi said in a low voice, "No. I..I just want to....to go home. I want to sleep. Please take me to our home."

Rahul instructed the driver to take them to the Mehra Mansion. He wiped a lone tear that slipped from his eyes. It hurt him to see his sister-in-law in such a condition.

The ride to the Mehra Mansion was silent. Nidhi held Ajay's hand tightly. Though, he was not comfortable with the closeness, he knew she needed comfort and assurance. He kept on rubbing her palm to calm her. Rahul kept looking outside the car, feeling sad.

Mehra Mansion

Vijay and Dilip were sitting in the living room, discussing business. Others were in their respective rooms. Suddenly, the two senior Mehras saw Ajay, Nidhi and Rahul entering the house.

Vijay asked them, "How come you are back so early? And Nidhi, what happened to you child?"

Nidhi had dreaded this moment. She had tried her best to calm herself and behave normal, but she failed miserably. 

Vijay called for his wife, who came to the living room along with Nandini. Mala asked "What happened Nidhi?" Ajay began to speak, "Actually Mom...."

Nidhi pulled his hand and shook her head in negative, silently saying that she did not wish anyone to know the truth. Ajay said, "What no? They need to know. And you need them."

Ajay, ignoring Nidhi's pleas, told everything that happened. Vijay and Dilip stood up from the sofa, shocked. Mala and Nandini came to Nidhi and hugged her.

Nidhi cried and said, "It's all my fault. I should not have worn such a dress."

Ajay said angrily, "Oh please. Don't blame yourself for someone else's mistake. You say that your dress provoked him, then tell me that a woman in saree or burkha won't be raped. And what about those, who use a child to satisfy their hunger? What do you expect​ a child to wear? Tell me. These people....I am sorry. These creatures are at fault. Their thinking, their mentality is at fault."

Vijay spoke to his son, "Calm down Ajay. Nidhi needs rest at present. Don't stress her much."

Ajay nodded and said, "Mom, please stay with Nidhi tonight. She needs you. I will stay with Rahul."

Mala nodded and took Nidhi with her. Nandini followed them.

Vijay asked, "Ajay, do you know who did this?" "Yes dad. Don't worry. I know what I have to do," said Ajay. He left the room, followed by Rahul.

Rahul's Room

Ajay and Rahul were laying on the bed. Rahul turned towards his brother and patted his hand. "What happened, Rahul?" asked Ajay. Rahul said, "Bhabhi will be fine naa?"

Ajay took a sigh and said, "Yes. And I will make sure of it. But I need your help." "Tell me," said an enthusiastic Rahul. Ajay shares his plan with Rahul, who immediately agrees to do as said. "Make sure you stay with Nidhi. She is comfortable with you," said Ajay. 

Rahul nods and the brothers sleep, thinking about the events of the night.

Next Morning

Ajay had left for the Mehra Industries, early in the morning. This had infuriated the elders as they expected him to stay back for his wife. His absence had made Nidhi gloomier than ever. She felt lonely. All efforts of Mala and Nandini were wasted. The events of the previous night and Ajay's absence had taken away the smile from Nidhi's face.

"I know he doesn't love me. But he could have stayed back. I needed his support like last night. I have no one here. My first relation is with him. Why Ajay? Why?" thought a depressed Nidhi.

Her thoughts were interrupted by one and only Rahul, "Missing Bhai?"

Mala replied in anger,"Don't talk about that idiot. He left his wife alone when she needs him the most."

Rahul chuckled and said, "Come with me." "Where?" asked Nidhi. "Just come," was Rahul's reply.

Mehra Industries, Conference Room

Ajay was busy in getting the most important project of his life. The deal was with Sharma Enterprises. Mr. Sharma, who was in his early thirties, had himself come to sign the deal.

"I would look forward to work with you Mr. Mehra," said Mr. Sharma. Ajay nodded and said, "Same here. But... Mr. Sharma, what happened to your face?"

Mr. Sharma touched his jaw and winced in pain. "Nothing. Just a small accident."

Ajay said, "Oh! I would like you to meet Mrs. Nidhi Ajay Mehra." As he said so, the door of the conference room opened and Nidhi entered along with Rahul. As soon as she saw Mr. Sharma, she shrieked.

"How small was the accident, Mr. Sharma? You fell down from the stairs or someone punched you?" asked Ajay, anger evident in his voice.

Sweat appeared on Mr. Sharma's face. He knew what was coming. "You will face the consequences, Mehra," he said in a last attempt to save himself.

Ajay replied, "I don't care. Inspector."

The police force entered the room and soon Mr. Sharma was under arrest. 

"Just a minute, Inspector," interrupted Ajat, "Nidhi, slap him."

Nidhi looked at Ajay. He encouraged her through his eyes. She moved forward and gave a tight slap to the person...no, the creature who had dared to touch her, against her will. "She asked for it. Didn't you see her dress?" said the shameless Mr. Sharma.

Ajay replied, "She tried to push you away. She said no. And a No means a No. No matter who says it, your girlfriend or your wife or a prostitute. A No means a No."

Mr. Sharma was dragged away from the place. Ajay looks at his employees and said, "If I ever find anyone of you involved in any such things, trust me, I will kill that creature with my own hands. If you cannot respect a woman, you have no right to live. There is a very famous saying in our country

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः

यत्रैतास्तु पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ।।

It means that a society, where the women are respected, has the blessings of God. But a society, where the opposite happens, can never move forward. Keep this in mind always."

The employees nod. Rahul looks at his brother with pride. While Nidhi, she looks at him with an emotion, which was unknown to him. LOVE.


So, how is it?


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