17. You Are No One To Me✔

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Mehta Mansion

Ajay and Rahul are grandly welcomed by Alka Mehta. They were made to sit on the sofas and snacks were served to them. Ajay picked up a Dhokla to eat. As soon as he kept it in his mouth, he knew it was made by Nidhi. His desire to see his wife increased. He wanted to run inside the house, search for her, hug her and beg for forgiveness. He wanted to tell her about his nightmares and get assured that they will never be true. His heart ached for her.

Ajay thought, "Why did I behave like that with her? I am a fool. I had the Kohinoor with me but I thought it to be a mere stone."

Rahul looked at his brother. He smiled and asked for Nidhi. At the same moment, Nidhi entered from the kitchen, carrying tea and served it to all. Rahul got up and touched her feet. Nidhi gave him a big smile. The Bhabhi-devar sat together. Nidhi fed him lovingly.

All this while, Ajay kept on looking at Nidhi. Her eyes, her smile, her love. How much had he missed it! He felt jealous of Rahul. Nidhi was feeding him and did not spare a glance at Ajay. How could she do so? At the same moment, Nidhi raise her eyes and looked at Ajay. But her face was expressionless. No, this is not what he wanted. He wanted her love and care. Why is she being so cold? His heart knew the answer but did not wish to accept it. "No. She is very patient. She will not give up so easily. Maybe she does not want to show her emotions in her parent's presence."

Nidhi asked Rahul, "So Rahul, all set for your session in IIM Bangalore?" "Yes Bhabhi. You will come with me naa?" spoke Rahul. "Of course," was her reply. Rahul beamed in happiness.

Alka spoke, "You both should rest now. Nidhi, take Ajay to your room. Rahul, come with me." Rahul goes with Alka, while Ajay follows Nidhi.

Nidhi's Room

The couple enter the room. It was quite simple in comparison to Ajay's room. Ajay looks around the room to know more about Nidhi's taste, when he remembers a more important task. "Nidhi, I am sorry," he said. Nidhi asked him in a cold tone, "For what, Mr, Mehra?"

Ajay is taken aback at her tone but still he spoke, "For whatever I did or said in Delhi. I promise to change and......" "No need. Because after five months, we will get separated on mutual consent," said Nidhi.

Ajay stared at Nidhi. His worst fears were coming alive. He somehow spoke, "No....I am your husband....you cannot leave me..."

Nidhi replied sternly, "You are no one to me." Ajay flinches at her tone. His heart was sinking. She continued, "I will come with you to Delhi. We will be together until six months of our marriage our completed, to avoid trouble. And then we will be separated. You will not have to share your room or life with me."

Nidhi leaves the room. Ajay is engulfed with fear and loneliness.

Ajay thought, "A week without her was hell. How will I spend my life?"


What we do, comes back to us. Despite reading this statement innumerable times, Ajay took twenty four years to understand its meaning. Everything he had done with Nidhi, was coming back to him. Whatever pain he had given her, he could feel the same. All his life, he had avoided falling in love, afraid that he might get hurt. When he finally experienced true love, he hurt his lover so bad, that the love turned into hatred.

He had Kohinoor with him but he thought it to be a mere stone.

On the other hand, Nidhi was still infuriated. She had agreed to wait for five months but only she was aware, how badly she wanted to murder him.


Nidhi was sitting with Mala in the garden. Her face expressed extreme anger. She spoke fiercely, "No maa, I cannot live with that man. I want divorce.

"Just five months. Wait for five months. Go to Ahmedabad for a change. When you come back, hate him with all your heart. Let him suffer. But for five months, stay with him. Give him one chance to rectify his mistake," said Mala. Nidhi thought for a while. Finally, her love for Ajay overpowered her anger. She nodded.

Mala said, "Thank you."Thank me if I don't kill him in these five months," said Nidhi.

Mala laughed and hugged her lovingly.

Flashback ends

To calm her mind, Nidhi went to Rahul's room. He was sitting on the bed, thinking something. As soon as Nidhi sat down on the bed, he laid down keeping his head in her laps. "Do you know how much I missed you Bhabhi?" he said. Nidhi smiled at him and caressed his hairs. 

Rahul continued, "Do you know what happened yesterday? Bhai had an important meeting early in the morning. Even I had to go with him. I waited for fifteen minutes but he did not come downstairs. When I went to his room, I found that he was still sleeping. Somehow he got ready but then couldn't find an important file. Finally, I postponed the meeting. And you know, where the file was? In his study room."

Nidhi was shocked would be an understatement. The Ajay, she knew was never this careless. He was very particular about his office works. It was always on his priority list, next to only his mother. Sometimes, it seemed to her, that he care only about his mother and Mehra Industries.

She turned her attention to Rahul to find him sleeping peacefully. She carefully kept his head on the pillow and left the room, only to run into her mother.

Alka asked her, "What are you doing here, Nidhi? Why are you not with Ajay?" "I just came to see if Rahul was fine or not. I am going back to my room," replied Nidhi.

Saying so, Nidhi hurried to her room, reluctantly. She knew if she did not spend time with Ajay, her parents might become suspicious. She had no other option left.


So, how is it?


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