My Pal Lou.

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It had been weeks, Louis was over at my place almost every weekend. They weren't touring as much as they used to, working on an album was what took up most of their week. It was funny, I used to dream about meeting Louis and hanging out with him but it was nothing I ever imagined it to be like. He wasn't always that bubbly boy I used to watch on YouTube, he had layers. More than I ever understood. He was kind and gentle, and insecure just like the rest of us. Yes he could also be full on and as cocky as the next guy but that didn't define him. He was so much more than that.

We were in the middle of watching Titanic one Saturday evening when I noticed that he wasn't paying attention. His focus was not on the screen hanging from my living room wall, it was on the screen that say in his lap. Either he was waiting for a call, or well that's all he was doing.

"Waiting for some news?" I asked, nudging his elbow with my own. He looked up at me slightly startled, shaking his head as if to snap out of his thoughts.

"Just my girlfriend, we had an argument. She hasn't talked to me in almost a week." He explained with a brave smile.

I aww'd cupping his arm with my hand, stroking his arm supportively. "You alright?" I asked, not wanting him to be upset.

"Yeah, just things have been shit lately." He shrugged, smiling at me as if to say that he was fine and would prefer to stop talking about it.

"Hey, I am sure whatever it is you'll work it out."

"If we don't. I'll be in trouble." He laughed sarcastically.

"You always stroke me as a trouble maker." I teased him, leaning my head back against the sofa lounge.

"It's just my management. They have this certain image of what I'm supposed to be like and she's a part of it."

"Oh, well that's their problem. They're the professionals. They can give you a new image."

He shook his head. "I've been wanting to break it off for almost a year now, but they're insistent. The fans love her. They respond to us together. I've tried telling them but they told me to shove it and suck it up."

"That's terrible." I sighed, shaking my head at the news. I felt bad for the poor guy. I mean I understood the publicity angle but he was a person first, celeb second. It wasn't fair.

"The worst part is that she knows I've wanted to end it, but she agrees with them." He groaned. I got the feeling that he wanted to talk about it, but at the same time he had deeper feelings towards the matter and didn't want to load all of those upon me since I was a new person in his life, he didn't want to scare me away.


"Everything would be a lot simpler if I could just marry you, or Harry."

I chuckled. "You don't want to marry me. I'd be a terrible bore"

"Doubt it. I've seen your movies, you're good at faking it."

I couldn't contain my laughter, even now he had the cheek to make a joke like that, there was no way in hell that I wasn't 100% grateful to have him in my life. He was probably going to be my friend for life and I was perfectly okay with that.

His phone chirped, interrupting our laughter. Louis looked at me, after reading his text message. "Hey Jay, do you want to go to a party with me tonight?"

I didn't even hesitate before telling him, yes, yes of course I would.

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