Friends Of Plenty.

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I was at awe, the place Louis had dragged me to was in fact heaven. I was sure of it, everyone was so happy, so out of it I was sure they must have been on some drug or another. And although I would never touch such a thing, if that was the cause of how happy everyone seemed I didn't even mind.

"Hey! It's Lila's friend." Liam greeted me, pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him in response, he smelt nice. It seemed all the boys from One Direction did. It was one of the things I and noticed.

"Jay" I Introduced myself to Zayn, Josh and Niall who were all sitting around the table.

I was greeted with a few manly murmurs, before sitting down on an empty stool. Louis left me in search of some drinks, which I didn't mind not really. It was a chance for me to meet his friends.

"So, I know they say we date our mothers but having the same name is a bit strange." Zayn laughed, taking another one of the shots that lined the surface of the table.

Liam laughed. "It's just a nickname right?" He asked me and I nodded, shyly.

"So are you two dating?" Josh asked me, I felt my cheeks warming it was unusually fast if I did say so myself.

"Oh no, we're just mates" I reassured him, looking over my shoulder to see if I could find him. I couldn't of course. This place was way too crowded.

I jumped at the sound of the boys all making loud noises, greeting Harry, I turned around to spot him with his arms around Liam and Zayn, he nodded in my direction but didn't say a word. I felt so stupid, why would Harry Styles acknowledge me anyway? I was a nobody.

A tap upon my shoulder and a drink passed in front of my face, lemonade. Louis remembered! I smiled over at him as he jumped into the seat beside of me. "Hope they didn't scare you too much" he joked before chugging his beer.

"Not at all" I chuckled, sipping from my straw.

The night was long but it was also a lot of fun, between dancing with Louis and joking about with Liam I had a great time, we took a cab home, Louis had offered me to stay the night at his and Harry's place but I still felt as though Harry didn't like me so I passed on the offer, the cab dropped me off in the early hours of the morning, and I rewarded myself with a well earned sleep in.


I was visited by a woman I had only ever seen in magazines, she was a pretty brunet with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, it was funny. I never thought I would meet her but there she was on my doorstep.

"Eleanor" I whispered as I saw her standing in my front entrance. She looked as though she was a little upset, perhaps worried if I wasn't mistaken but fortunately for me. She didn't look angry, which meant we weren't going to have one of those Hollywood cat fights they always seemed to promote all over the media.

"Can I come on in?" She asked me ever so politely, waiting for me to answer before stepping inside, removing her boots before walking past my welcome mat.

"Can I get you anything? A drink?" I asked awkwardly, still having no idea why she was here or how she knew where to find me in the first place. Had Louis told her? I wasn't sure. If he had, he was most definitely being cruel.

"Oh no, I'm alright" she answered softly, taking a seat on my sofa, she was so posh and proper it was unbelievable. I watched her as she folding her legs together so lady-likely, even in the privacy of my home she was acting the part of a princess.

I walked over and sat upon the couch opposing her so we could speak, I was nervous. It was like I had lost the ability to focus in a matter of seconds as I waited for her to give me an explanation.

"Jay, that's your name isn't it? This must seem strange me being here. I'm sorry about that, I just had to come and see you." She spoke softly and calmly but her eyes were jumping all over the place.

"It's fine" I assured her, despite feeling awfully awkward.

"It's just, I know you're friends with Louis and I think there are some things you need to know about him" she started, looking over at me to make sure I was paying attention before continuing. "He's been through a rough patch these past few years, and sometimes he finds it really hard to cope, I do the best that I can to be a good friend, a good girlfriend but it's really hard because he doesn't seem to want me around and I know you two are close now and I just thought that you should know so you can be there for him if he needs you to be."

I didn't know what to say, I just sat there, nodding my head like an idiot. "Of course" I said softly, not knowing what else I could say.

"He has bipolar disorder, among other things. He handles himself well when he's in public, but sometimes when he's not in the spotlight he doesn't take his medication and he just really struggles to stay the same boy everyone thinks he is. He just needs good stable relationships to keep him going."

"Must be hard on him." I couldn't imagine what it was like, I mean he must find it difficult or else his freaking girlfriend wouldn't be here in front of me trying to tell me all about it. It was just sad, I couldn't imagine him struggling. It broke my heart.

"It is, and I know you must think it's strange of me being here like this, but he and I are going through some stuff right now and I know you make him happy, he's told me." She smiled, pushing a stray hair behind her left ear.

"He's a good friend." I smiled back at her, feeling strange. It was so weird hearing a girl who was saying how happy I made her boyfriend without her wanting to rip my eyes out.

"I'll give you my number, if you have any questions about anything or if you just need a friend. Call me, or message me and I'll be there." She told me, scribbling her number onto a note pad and handing it over to me.

I folding the small piece of paper and held it between my fingers. "Thank you for coming over." I said politely, even though I was still unsure of what to make of this whole situation. She had only been here for what? Ten minutes? And just like that she was already gone, probably out of my life completely for all I knew, leaving me with nothing but questions in fact.


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