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"So like, are you dating or what?" Lila bugged me one Saturday afternoon, we were sitting down under the trees in her parent's backyard, a light chill in the afternoon breeze forced us to convert our picnic blanket into a more cozy arrangement. 

"Who?" I asked her naively.

"Louis, silly!" She laughed, nudging me.

"No, no, no, no. We're not."' I shook my head continuously. 

"You spend like every spare moment together, you can't blame me for assuming." She shrugged, sipping her ice tea through her bendy straw. Lila had a thing for straws lately, it was cute.

"Well, we're just friends, and besides. He has a girlfriend." I explained, reaching into my pocket for my cardigan for my chap stick. 

"Yeah, a girlfriend who lets him spend more time with another girl than with her." 

"Its complicated, and that's their business not mine." I shrugged, smiling at my best friend softly, she nodded, taking the hint to change the subject. 

New Message: Louis Tomlinson

How was your weekend with Lila's family? 


It was really lovely, her parents are amazing. How was Paris? 

Louis had filled me in the week before, about his romantic get away with Eleanor over the weekend, he didn't seem too displeased over is so I took that as a good sign, I was worried, however that he might come back from it feeling differently. 

New Message: Louis Tomlinson

It was nice. Peaceful really.


I'll be back by tomorrow, you can tell me all about it. :)

New Message: Louis Tomlinson

If you'd like. 

Louis had invited me over Sunday night for dinner, I didn't really know what to expect. Was Harry going to be there? I didn't have a clue, but sure enough, it wasn't Louis who greeted me at the door. 

"Shirtless again." I teased as Harry held the door open for me, he was severely taller than me, hanging over my smaller frame as i snuck past him. 

"You're early," He excused, wandering back down the hallway to his bedroom. I made myself comfortable on the sofa, waiting for Louis to acknowledge my arrival. 

I could hear voices, coming from down the hallway, I tried to crane my head around so i could see who was coming, but I was too far away. The voices kept getting louder, followed by the sound of heels. There were a few possibilities running through my mind, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions too quickly.

"Jay" Eleanor greeted me as she spotted me from the end of the hallway, "Nice to see you." She smiled from ear to ear, walking over to hug me, 

She wrapped her tiny arms around my body, I returned the gesture. "How was Paris?" I asked her with a warm tone as she let go of me. 

She laughed, adjusting her dress before sitting beside me. "Oh, we didn't make the plane, just stayed here and had a cozy weekend"

"Sounds sweet." I told her, sneaking a glance over at Louis who looked like he had been caught with his fingers in the pie.

"It was." She nodded, "Louis told me you had your own weekend away." she prompted, I noticed Louis had disappeared into the kitchen, and right into the blind spot. I was alone with his girlfriend, and I couldn't help but hate Harry for not warning me. 

"Lila's parents own this amazing property, we just had a girls weekend, lots of fun really." 

"I do love a good girls weekend." She smiled, "Haven't had one in forever." 

"Maybe you should have one again soon." I suggested. 

"Maybe I will." She nodded, Louis had reappeared with a cup of tea for his perfect girlfriend who by the way, he left me with alone. I felt ambushed, it's not like she wasn't a nice person, she was. I just felt awkward being around her all by myself. 

He still hadn't spoken to me, only having given me a few meaningless glances occasionally, I was starting to wonder why he had even invited me over. 

Eleanor stayed for dinner, which meant Louis hardly said boo to me all night, I couldn't leave, I couldn't just make up a lame excuse to ditch them without making it obvious or offending anybody but I wasn't exactly having the greatest time. Harry had came in, taken his share of the take out, before going back to his room, at least he had given me a silent apology. Maybe I would forgive him, but Louis? I didn't know what I would do. 

We weren't alone until 9pm, and by then I was ready to go home and never come back, and maybe I was overreacting, but I still felt like I had been wronged. 

"I'm sorry." Louis finally broke the silence, just as I was about to make my great escape. He had a habit of doing things like that. 

"Why didn't you just tell me she was here?" I asked him, sitting back down. He sighed, I wasn't looking at him but I heard it. The creak of the chair being dragged across the floor was all I heard as I waited for an answer. I looked up, he was now sitting in front of me. 

"I wanted to see you, I wanted you to come over and I thought you wouldn't if you knew she was here." 

"I would have still come over. It's not like I dislike her Louis. I just felt like I was ambushed into being here and you hardly talked to me."

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say to you and she kept talking and talking." He groaned, hiding his face into his hands.

 "I hope you had a nice weekend." I smiled sadly, reaching for my bag. "I should probably go home anyway, I have work tomorrow." He nodded without another word, and walked me to the front door. 

An awkward side hug, and a few muttered goodbyes were all that were exchanged before the door was wedged between us. 

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