Friendships Grow and Friendships Go

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I don't know what happened or how Ty and I had become reasonably close over the few weeks that he had been staying with me. I had seen more of him than I had of Louis and it hadn't really bothered me. Louis had his girlfriend, and I had Ty, I didn't exactly know what we were but it was something.

I had seen bits and pieces of us in magazines, not that I read many of those anymore. The fans had been tweeting me asking about him but I hadn't said much. I couldn't tell anyone if I didn't even know myself now could I?

Ty had wanted to see all the sights of Hollywood and I had taken him to them. I didn't care what anyone thought. We were old friends having fun.

Louis had been bugging me, sending me messages about him, asking if we were dating, accusing me of lying to him. He was obsessed and I didn't know how to handle him, so I didn't.

I sent him an email instead.


I don't know what you want from me. I tried being your friend, and then I thought maybe you wanted more than that but you have Eleanor and I don't know why that made me jealous since you've been with her for years but I was okay. I don't know what you think of me but Ty and I are just having fun and I don't really think it's any of your concern if we're more than friends because you don't have the right to tell me to stay single when you're not single. I just want us to continue being friends, but it's hard when you're trying to get between me and Ty. Let me know when you want to be friends again


I felt bad, but I thought he deserved to know how I was feeling, I would have wanted to know if I were him.

Ty was hanging out in my living room when I came home from work. "Hey" I greeted him, hanging my coat over the couch, he turned around smiling at me.

"How was work?" He asked gesturing for me to sit beside him.

I sat down, sighing. I was so tired. "It was exhausting." I told him, leaning back against the chair.

"How about we order in and pop on a movie?" He suggested, and I nodded. It was nice having someone to welcome me home every night.

"I could really do with a big fat greasy pizza." I laughed.

"Coming right up." He told him, dialling the pizzeria.

I checked my phone, Louis hadn't replied. I felt kind of bad considering how sensitive he could be at times.

"Pizza is on its way." Ty told me when he returned.

I smiled, leaning into his chest, he smelt nice, he always had. "What did you do today anyway?" I asked.

"I was looking at potential buildings for the bar." He started explaining it all in detail but I was hardly paying him attention. I was more worried about Louis, I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I truly didn't.

It's not like I said anything mean was it? I had told him the truth and if he couldn't accept that, it wasn't my fault. I wasn't going to feel guilty over spending time with an old friend, it wasn't fair. He could spend time with Eleanor whenever he wanted, but I couldn't hang with Ty?

The pizza arrived just as we were putting in a DVD, I was still really tired, but I was glad to lounge out and pig out on pizza. Ty wrapped his arm around me as we ate, laughing at the screen whenever a witty line tickled out funny bones.

My phone beeped and I chose to ignore it, he made me wait so why should I answer him straight away? I thought to myself. I didn't even care how childish I was being.

Ty started talking about a part that I had missed when I left to get some water, I laughed along with him during his exaggerated explanation. He was genuinely super excited over the whole thing, that was one thing I missed about him, he always had such passion for things no matter how small they seemed to everyone else.

I leaned over, kissing him tenderly; he cupped my face kissing me back. My heart raced, this felt right for some reason, all my worries about Louis started to fade, this was Ty, my Ty and this was us.

We didn't take it any further, not that we didn't want to, okay maybe I didn't but that's not why. It was nice to just make out for a while, no pressure. It was fun. We said goodnight, and kissed a little more. I was still confused about it all when I closed my bedroom door.

I turned my phone back on and opened the email from Louis as I tucked myself into bed.

I don't think we can be


Nothing more than those six words, I couldn't help but burst into tears, maybe I had been too harsh? Maybe I should have just left it alone? I didn't mean to upset him. What the hell had I done?

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