Blast From The Past.

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I hadn't spoken to Louis in almost two weeks, I hadn't known what to say, and I don't think he had either. It's not like I didn't want to see him, I did. I just didn't know what to say or how to act around him. He had been online, I kept up to date with him that way, but it wasn't the same. 

@Louis_Tomlinson: Been loving the bachelor this series!

@Louis_Tomlinson: Who puts peanut butter in the fridge? #wtfharry

@Louis_Tomlinson: I lost my IPOD somewhere in the sofa. Who knows what else is down there...

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles I FOUND YOUR MENTOS IN THE SOFA.

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles Most of this junk is yours!!

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles I'M DISGUSTED

Lila and I were walking out after a magazine shoot, giggling and recounting some of our favourite moments of the day, the shoot had been amazing, probably one of the best shoots I had done. I wasn't expecting to see someone from my past waiting for me. I hadn't seen him for years, and to be completely honest, he was the last person I would have expected to see. I walked over to him, almost tripping on my heels, he smiled as I neared him. My cheeks were heated, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Ty" I grinned, wrapping my arms around him. It felt so familiar being in his arms, taking in his scent. I had spent a lot of time close to him when we were dating, I didn't realise how much I really missed him. 

"Look at you superstar." He chuckled, I moved out of his hold, taking hold of the fold in his arm. Lila had caught up, watching us politely and visibly confused. I laughed, pulling her closer. 

"Lila, this is Ty my friend from back home." I explained, she took hold of his hand, shaking it as I made the introductions. 

"Nice to meet you." She said sweetly, reaching into her bag for her sunnies. 

"So, where are you staying? You should just crash at my place if you want to?" I suggested, hoping to catch up with him, I was curious. I had no idea what he had been doing in the time between now and when we were together. 

"Are you sure?" He asked surprised, I nodded, of course I was sure. 

"Yes! Now come on, we need to go and grab your things." I pushed him jokingly towards my car, he dragged his feet teasingly, playing along. 

"How did you find me anyway?" I asked him later at my apartment, my living room was a mess, his bags on the floor and all, but that was Ty, always a mess. I rolled up my sleeves and made myself more comfortable as I awaited his explanation. 

He tapped his nose, "Nah, I called your management. Which you should think about replacing considering I could have been anyone..they just told me where you were without even any pushing." 

I rolled my eyes, he probably pretended to be a cousin or something. 

"I'm just so glad to see you. It's been forever." I exaggerated, groaning a little. 

"The last time I saw you was when you told me we had to break up." He pouted, I felt bad. He was right, that was the very last time we saw each other. I knew that my dreams and his were different things, he was inheriting his father's bar, and I wanted nothing else than moving to California to further my acting career. There was no way in my mind that we would have worked out being so far apart, especially since I knew neither of us were particularly fond of the idea of compromising over something we felt so passionate about. 

"That was what? Two years?" I tried to guess, he counted it out on my fingers, "Yep, Two years give or take a few weeks." 

"What brings you here anyway? I mean, I thought you were pretty tied down with the business and all." I asked, curiosity really taking over me. 

"The business is great, but that's exactly why I am here. We are franchising it out. I thought I would take a stab at opening one out here? American's love Australian things, I thought that might work in my favour." 

I nodded, mulling over the idea. It made sense, and it was so typically Ty of him. He had so many big ideas and dreams for that bar. I hardly understood it myself, but that was the thing, I didn't understand and that's why I had to leave him behind.

"I think that's a great idea." I told him, my phone chirping in the background. "I'll just go check that, might be important." I rushed down to my room where I had left it to charge. 

"Hello?" I answered, sitting myself down on the bed, I swung my feet up and crossed my legs. 

"Who's the guy?" Louis asked, he sounded distant, my chest tightened, not enough to hurt but enough for me to notice. 

"What guy?"

"The one at your house."

"Are you watching me?"

"No, I'm at my house. It's all over twitter." He explained. 

"Great to see everyone is keeping updated on house guests." I said sarcastically. 

"Who is he?" 

"Louis, why are you so curious? He's an old friend. Boyfriend actually." 

"You have a boyfriend?" 

"No, we broke up a few years ago. Not that it's any of your concern." 

"What's with the attitude? I'm only asking, as a friend who wants you to be careful."

"I am careful."

"I missed you."

I smiled, so he had missed my absence. This was good, it was really good. "I missed you too." 

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