Chapter 11: It's Quiet Uptown

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After hearing about all the disparity (Y/N) had gone through, Eliza and Angelica moved to New York with their husbands.

It was not easy to do, but they did it for (Y/N).

They did it for the (Y/N) that was laying on Angelica's sofa, sobbing. Sobbing because she'd lost her son exactly a year ago.

Eliza spoke up quietly. "There are moments that the words don't reach. There is suffering too terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can." At the mention of 'child,' (Y/N) screamed in despair, even louder than before. Angelica hugged (Y/N)'s oldest daughter, also named Angelica after her favorite sister, close to her.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Eliza scurried to her side, trying to ease her pain. "Just push away the unimaginable."

"There are moments when you're in so deep," Angelica said, staring at the door. "It feels easier to just swim down."

The Hamiltons moved uptown. They must learn to live with the unimaginable.

• • •

Alexander changed after his son died. He spent hours in the garden. He walked alone to the store. And it's quiet uptown.

He'd never liked the quiet before.

He was taking the children to church. It's Sunday.

He saw a sign of the cross at the door. And he prayed.

He prayed for (Y/N) to forgive me, for her love.

He never used to pray before.

Nothing that happened now used to happen before.

• • •

Angelica watched as Alexander walked by the window.

He did this a lot.

And she always felt bad for him.

Her husband walked over to her, looking out the window himself.

"What are you looking at, my love?" he asked softly.

"Alexander," Angelica replied, holding her husband's hand gently.

"What are you thinking?"

"I don't know." She looked down at her lap.

They sat in silence for a bit, hands intertwined, shoulders touching. They liked moments like these together. 

Angelica spoke up. "Stephen, will you promise me one thing?"

"Always, darling."

"If you see him in the street, walking by himself, talking to himself, have pity."

The couple heard Alexander through the window, muttering. "Philip, you would like it uptown, it's quiet uptown," he said.

Stephen nodded. "Of course."

"He is going through the unimaginable."

• • •

Forgotten || A Hamilton x Schuyler!Reader Fanfiction || ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora