Unplanned Trips

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I wake up a little late, but I as soon as I get dressed I knock on Sean's door and he opens up for me. 

I sit on one of the extra chairs and begin to ask my questions. "So, what were you doing last night?"

Before he could answer me a knock on his door resounds throughout the room, and then Hank comes into the room. "Are you guys busy?" 

"Yes." We answer in unison, but Sean is looking at his work, and I am looking towards Hank.

"Well, I was hoping to talk to you, Sean as a very concerned adult to a troubled youth." Hank rambles out nervous.

"I wonder which one Sean is." I sarcastically state, this gets me a dirty look from the handsome young man.

The concerned adult walks closer, and upon looking at what we are examining.

"What is this?" 

"Nothing." Sean answers.

"It's a cryptogram." Both me and Hank say in unison, which causes Sean to look at me surprised. "Look's like Morse Code." I continue.

"My dad, and Hank taught me a few things." 

Sean continues to be surprised at my knowledge as Hank,  explains the code. "I learned this in the Navy." 

"Alright what does it say?" Sean questions the older Samoan man.

"What's it for?" I ask, finally ready for my explanation. 

"It's complicated." He says, trying to not say it in front of Hank.

"So is the code." The only adult in the room says.

He looks at me, and I give him a nod. "Okay, here's the deal. A few nights ago, a radio signal got sent out. Could've been anywhere. It was these words on a loop." 

"Pip, Zorn, Strux." Hank reads.

"All those are characters from Vern books." I explain.

"You're a Vernian?"

"More of a War and Peace fan." I say.

"Whatever. Anyway, my equipment wasn't powerful enough to receive the whole message so..." 

"So, you broke into that satellite facility to boost your signal."

"Someone sent this message, and I'm going to solve it. This is really important to me." With his words, I am moved and I want to help him. I don't why this quest is so important to him, but it is. 

"Hey, you know what ? Why don't three of us solve this together?" 


Hank starts of "The first part  of the message reads, The I S L, Island."

I finish of the sentence. "The Island is RE, Real. The Island is real." I state.

"You're serious, you're not messing with me?" Sean questions very excited. 

"Yes that's what it says" Hank answers him.

"I can't believe it! I can't believe somebody actually found the island." 

"What island?" Uncle asks.

"The Mysterious island. True Vernians have been looking for years. What's the rest say?"

"Child of Steve, born 1883." 

"Child of Steve, Child of Steve." Sean keeps repeating trying to think through it. 

"Maybe Son of Steve." Hank suggests.

"Son of Steve. Stevenson! Robert Louis Stevenson, The author. But he was born way before 1883."

Enemies - A Sean Anderson storyWhere stories live. Discover now