The Island

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After an Incident with Gabato, I begin to think about the fact that we made it to the Island, although it seems more like hell to me. Obviously, Kailani thinks the same as me, as she does express it verbally.  

"This is not what I was expecting." Sean states, full of disappointment. 

That's when Uncle Hank takes charge of the situation. "All right guys listen up. We're going to have to gather up everything that washed ashore and take stock of our supplies. We need to find shelter. Let's go." 

After that we all begin to scour the island, searching for everything that could be helpful. Seeing that I had a chance to sit down, I grab a stick and the pocket knife that I bought on the docks and some para cord, and start on the project to build a bow and arrow. 

"What are you doing?" Kailani asks as she chucks her ruined phone in the ocean. 

"Building a bow." I say, as I bend the sturdy stick.

"Where did you learn to do that?" She questions. Little did I know uncle Hank, and Sean were listening.

"My mom. She was some what of a survival specialist and she had started teaching me somethings before she died, including the beginnings of building a bow. And after she died I went to a few classes and became somewhat of a weapons specialist." I explain.

I hear a hushed cool, from somewhere. "But how, you're the same age as me."

"Yeah, but at 13 I started to use YouTube videos, and then at 14 I could take a class, 15 I became good at it, and as of this year I graduated." 


That's when I finally finished tying the bow up, and all I have to work on is the arrows, and to think of a place to put them.

"Okay ladies back to work." The Muscled Samoan man instructs.

"Yes Uncle." I answer, putting the bow across my chest. 

"Nice Job, Jules." He remarks, about my bow construction.

"Thank you." I reply and begin to help again. 

 I catch up to Sean, as he seems to be a little distraught.


"Hey." He responds while picking up his flashlight.

"Look I'm sure there's more to the island." I tell him as away to pick up his spirit.

And just before he responds, I see a cave like thing, and we look at each other with hope in our eyes, and we call for fellow stranded people.

We walk into this cave single file, and I know someone is talking but I can't focus on that, because we are in a dark cave and I have a fear of spiders. But then we reach the the end of the tunnel and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you..." Sean starts.

"The Mysterious Island." Hank finishes for him.

Enemies - A Sean Anderson storyWhere stories live. Discover now