Control part 1--What was mine.

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“Kitana, if you think I am going to explain why I so happened to appear back in my homerealm, you are sadly mistaken.”

“Like I said, I have ways”—Kitana bent his right hand back, twisted it to the left and right, hearing the sick, nauseating cracks of bones and cartilage breaking apart, causing the bones to fall apart like a vase that fell off its mantle—“of making you talk.”

It's been over 5 days. 5 days of torture for the so-called Prince of Edenia, Rain. Hardly giving him water, food, and sleep; due to Kitana spending her sweet, blissful time to give the third, unknown to many son of Argus exactly what he deserved for betraying Edenia, his adopted family, the Edenian Resistance, and, brokenheartedly, betraying her.

Although powerful and deadly, she found his Achilles' heel: Power. It was one stupid mistake on his part—a really stupid mistake. It just merely took a downward sweep at his ankles, and a kick to his face to send him down. Kitana had chased him down to the very ends of Edenia, on her feet to capture him. After that, she dragged him by his shirt collar, and tossed him to the dungeon, his hands bound along with his ankles so he wouldn't try anything. Three brick walls, cold and parched for hydration, the paint chipping off like a terrible scab one received from tripping over something. Chains were hung in the center of the wall, a torch on the left and right side of the walls, blazing bright orange-red flames that bounced and cracked and spat embers on the floor. The bars of the cell were full of magical properties; made especially for him, because he was powerless in this cell. Then why the bounding of wrists and ankles? Kitana knew how sly and resourceful he was, so she didn't want to try anything stupid.

Rain gave out a cry of pain, a gasp, then after that, a low, dark chuckle. He was unmasked: His lips bruised and bloody, nose broken, his eyes, a darker color of brown than Kitana's, were bloodshot red from sleep deprivation, and his right one was black and blue, swollen from Kitana punching him. His hair, raven black, fell to his shoulders, damp with sweat. “I must say,” he rasped, “you've gotten quite strong over the millennia. Care to tell me your secret?”

In response to his question, she drove her foot on the back of his knee, forcing him to kneel. “I'd rather not. I never reveal my secrets—like you did long ago.” she said, her voice more colder than the air inside the dungeon cell. “Now, are you going to tell me why the sudden return after your betrayal, or do I have to knock some more sense into you?” To make her point, Kitana jerked his right arm, smirking at the sound of his cries of anguish. Rain had gasped for breath at the dislocation of his shoulder, bowing his head, causing the Edenian Princess smiled in delight. “Very good, demigod.”

“These roles are reversed! YOU should be the one—”

Kitana spun him around with an amazing strength, and backhanded him with her steel fan, mutilating the left half of his handsome face, blood splattering on the wall, his armor, her clothes, and the floor, making him fall on his side. “Did I tell you to speak?” she whispered icily. She was angry, no, furious from his lack of speaking of reason of /why/ did he return, /why/ come back after betraying Edenia. It tore her mind to shreds. “I hate you—that's an understatement—I. Hate. You, Rain, for who you are.”

“Glad we're finally on the same page!” Rain exclaimed, still able to speak after Kitana's recent injury to his face. His voice was bitter like a lemon as he said, “Return to me my title, you . . . you . . . bitch, and maybe then I will tell you why I have returned.”

“The chances of that happening is very dim, like the light in here.” She knelt down and gripped his chin, bringing him back on his knees, forcing him to stare at her face. “You tell me why you came back. Now.”

“I came back to claim what was rightfully mine! Edenia was mine from the start, as was the prize to win ultimate godhood. I was going to shape these useless peasants into something greater in my own design! Something more powerful, or of equivalence to the gods themselves! My half-brother, Taven, has stolen that right from me!” he snarled. Blood sprayed from his teeth on Kitana's face, but she kept listening. “It should have been mine! All of this!” He paused, took a heavy, shaky breath, and whispered, “But I also missed who was mine . . .”

Kitana wasn't sure what happened then in that bizarre rift of time. It was only when a pair of warm, soft lips pressed against hers, and a strange thudding against her chest made her realize what was going on in that strange blur of reality and haze. Her back was against the floor, her raven hair splayed out around her in the slight darkness, legs pinned by another set, chest nearly crushed by another strong, sturdy one. That chest, legs, and lips belonged to the demigod himself. His hair, so soft and damp, brushed against her cheeks. His lips stayed against hers, until his teeth bit her lower lip, asking her to let go. He tasted like blood. Dangerous and seductive. Kitana somehow felt her defenses slip for one brief moment—as if having an out-of-body experience, as if someone was controlling her body—letting him control the kiss, wrapping her hand in his dark shade of hair, feeling his body move against hers, sighing his name, the feelings similar to what Daegon—

She felt like she was splashed with cold water. Regaining control, she removed her hand from his hair and clipped him straight in the jaw, and wriggling her leg from under him, jabbed her heel against his side, and kicked him in the stomach and head repeatedly. Sweat beaded against her skin and rolled down slowly as she slammed her fist down hard enough to break three of his ribs, then kicked him in his skull until she heard it fracture sickeningly, making her smile sadistically. She watched for signs of life, and witnessed clearly his chest still rising and falling, can almost /hear/ his heart beating that vitally and annoyingly sound to signify he is alive. “Don't you /ever/ try that again. I am in control here when it comes to inflicting pain on emotions.”

“You say that, now. But know I was in control just moments ago. It just took a little persuasion of your mind—simple dissociation.” Rain smirked, staring right at Kitana.

“You . . .” If Kitana could find a word to call this monster, she would, but she cannot find it. His words hit her in a place that made the very thought of not being in control sent her breathing go at a fast rate. Her face burned with heated blood, and she fanned herself with her hand, taking deep breaths before she spoke. “You adulterous . . . monster.” she grumbled, before sauntering over to the bars, opening it and slamming it shut. It echoed so loudly that it made other prisoners cower in fear—the Princess hadn't given anyone in there any mercy after the events that spiraled down weeks ago: Seidans, coming in to take control and causing war when they tried to shape her realm into a replica of theirs, and Rain decided to make it his. But his temporary rule caused more casualties. More blood and death for her to clean up and repair. She is going to keep torturing him for days on end until he learned his lesson. And he will learn his lesson.

And she won't lose control of this—of everything that made her the princess she is meant to be somewhat acknowledged and feared by by enemies—not like before.

“Afraid to admit that you miss me?” Rain shouted across the hallway as Kitana was halfway near the staircase. When her boots stopped in their tracks, he cackled. “You liked what I did—it's okay to say it. Now, with Daegon overhearing this little tryst, he may get a bit upset. . . .”

“You brought yourself on to me. I never liked any of it.” Her clenched fists spoke the truth, along with her gritting her teeth. “And this was NOT a tryst.” She wiped her mouth, still able to feel his lips. Gods, how she felt sick right now. “How did you manage to make me dissociate?”

“Perks of being half-god,” replied Rain. “I dug deep in your memories, and found the younger version that still wants me. And while you were disoriented, I made her come for a brief moment, until you returned.”

“That part of me should have died. I'll kill that wretched part of me tonight.”

“Killing that part of you, would be killing a part of me, too, you know that?”

A smirk touched her mouth. “That makes things for me all the more worth while.” 

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