To get Control, you need to know how to be IN Control.

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~Some Time Before Armageddon~ (This time, from Rain's P.O.V.!)

“Do you ever think of the future?” Kitana asked as the two laid in bed. They were both bare as a white feather, covered by a thick blanket in Winter time. Her head was resting on his chest, and his arm was around her waist. Comfortable, content, flushed skin and gentle breaths. 

Rain let his nose skim along her cheek, her forehead, then back down to her jawline, inhaling her honey and vanilla scent. God, she had a beautiful scent. He absolutely adored that about her. He wanted her so much to be with him, when he gets control of his own army, or if this realm is right to him. There was something in there, right in her heart, that had a sinister side to it. He just needed to get it. “I have,” he whispered, his mouth at her collarbone. “Have you thought of the future?”

“Of course.” Kitana replied, her voice a beautiful harmony.

“So, what makes you bring this into conversation?” Rain asked.

“I was just . . . curious.” She blushed, cheeks a warm, red rose.

“Curious, hmm?” He brought his face up to meet hers. “What has my darling little orchid curious?”

“The future. After we wed, what do you think will happen after?” Kitana asked, moving so she put her head in her hand.

“After, you say. Well, we will be somewhere secluded for some private time, you and I. Once we return, we'll rule the realm as one.” Rain answered, letting his hand slide down her tanned back, then going back up into her long hair. “And, if you wish, we may consider having a few little ones running around the palace . . . if that suits you.”

“Really?” Kitana perked up at this. She should, really. “I never suspected you to be so . . . in tune with my own thoughts. I feel the same way.”

Rain smiled at this. I have her right where I want her. “How many children do you desire to have?” he asked.

“Maybe one or two.” He watched her fingers go through his hair, and place a kiss on his collarbone. “Not enough to flood the palace, but to keep us busy when nothing is going on. I did think of a few names.”

“Name them. I'd like to know. ” Rain rolled over so she was lying on top of him, hugging her curves.

Kitana shifted on him, grabbing a pillow and placing it in-between the lower half in their body, ignoring the chuckle from her lover. He knew she didn't want to risk things—it wasn't her nature. “Fine, then.” She ran her fingers through his tangled hair, dark and utterly wild, just like his mind. “If we ever have any little boys, the gods forbid, Arsen or Darren.”

“And for the girls? If those names are extremely feminine, I will consider the boys over anything.” Rain guffawed.

“You can't decide what gender I will end up conceiving.” She laughed. “It's illogical.”

“Not unless I pray to the Elder Gods,” He argued, chuckling alongside her. “I prefer a male heir!”

“Female heir. I am one for example!” She rolled her eyes. “Now for the females, maybe . . . Aria, Flora or Judith.”

“Interesting,” he mused. His hands lingered against her face, and he gently inhaled her vanilla scent. “Is it okay if we . . . practice?”

“No, Rain!” Kitana cried out, rolling off of her lover and wrapping herself in the sheets. “I don't want to, okay!? You promised we'd wait!”

Rain gave her the most surprised look on his face before he rolled on his stomach and burst into laughter. His body shook with that look on his lover's face. He moved his head to see Kitana, covering herself up with the sheets, her face a bright red as she stared at him. “Dear, dear.” he whispered, cupping her chin. “Do you honestly believe that I would break that promise?”

“. . . No?”

He placed a kiss on his fiance's lips, running his fingers through her raven hair. “Then why get so worried.”

“We promised to wait until marriage.” She pouted, and when Rain rolled out of bed, he could see from the mirror that she felt bad for saying that.

Rain slipped on his trousers, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. He had to keep her on his side, he just had to. He has to make her succumb to him, to do whatever he desires. Like a proper Queen. It's the only way. But, not to say he never really loved her. He certainly felt something for her, but not the real, true love.

Infatuation would be the proper term. He was attracted to her—there was no lie—physically and mentally, but he wasn't that emotionally attracted to her. Until she showed that one thing; that she was just as devoted to a controlling power as himself would Rain ever consider falling for her. She wasn't mature yet. He hoped he'll change her outlook on this whole thing overtime. He hoped.

This wasn't a fairy tale where they lived happily ever after. This was so, so different. (A/N Hear that, Controllers? NO HAPPY ENDING FOR THESE TWO. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—Sorry, got excited.)

Crawling back under the covers, he wrapped his arms around Kitana's waist, smiling just as he did always, pulling her in for a long kiss. When she responded, he rolled over so he was on top, running his fingers along her tanned skin, stopping when he reached her thigh. “Let me show you how we can still have fun,” he murmured between kisses.

“R-Rain,” she cried out softly, her fingers digging into his black hair as his lips made a heated path to her neck, hands in her hair. The feeling was electric, making every inch of her nerve ending stand on end. Rain wanted this—he wanted her to feel nothing but him, for her to be controlled by his kisses and touches.

His lips went southwest, moving to her shoulder, and then her other one, and traveled to her bare breast, his left hand on her thigh, the other touching the other breast, giving her the time of her life. His lips made their way around, aggressively biting down, enough to leave a mark, but not to harm her. Her cries of pleasure fueled him. He wanted her to keep making those cries because they were so, so beautiful. Every movement he did was growing so close to her in his way of seduction.

When his mouth touched her stomach, smooth and lovely, he looked from the corner of his eye to see her gripping the bed sheets with delight. “I take it you're loving this?” he asked her with another kiss on her stomach.

“Stop, p-please.” murmured Kitana, sounding breathless. “I don't know if I can . . .”

He placed two fingers on her lips, quieting her, before he moved more under the sheets. “My beautiful orchid, I am just getting started.” His eyes held a mischievous gleam, passionate and frightening, before he fixated himself under the satin sheets, parting her legs.

Kitana softly moaned and sighed as he brushed his lips against her, going slow at first, letting her get used to the sensation. She tried to close her legs—it was really amusing—but he kept at it, while his hands made gentle circles on her stomach. Her sighs made him kiss her passionately, eventually letting his tongue to the work. His gaze went up to her face, that was flushed pink and sweating. Her hands were digging into the pillow her head lay on, and she was writhing in pleasure. For 5 minutes he kept going, waiting and waiting, even using new 'tricks' to get her close.

Then she cried out his name, fire and lust coursing through her blood. Rain lifted his head from under the sheets, crawling back up to her and kissing her until he touched her neck. “How was that?”

“A-amazing.” she panted. “Where did you learn that?”

“Something every man needs to know when they wish to please their lover.” Rain exhaled in her ear. “I love you. So much.” He kissed her cheek, and rolled over, pulling her close to his chest.

“And I you, my lord.”

My lord. I do love that title. Maybe I could grow to love her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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