Brokenhearted. ~Some time before Armageddon~

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"I do recall now the smell of the rain, fresh off the pavement, I ran off the plane. That July 9th, the beat of your heart, it jumps through your shirt, I can still feel your arms. And now I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes, all that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss. Never thought we'd have a lost kiss. Never imagined we'd end like this. Your name, forever the name on my lips. I do remember the swing of your step, life of the party. You're showing off again. And I roll my eyes and you pull me in, I'm not much for dancing, but for you I did. Because I love your handshake, meeting my father, I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets. How you kiss me when I'm in the middle of saying something, there's not a day I don't miss those interruptions."-Last Kiss, Taylor Swift.

She cried for the third time in the past 168 hours. 168 hours since her engagement broke off. 168 hours since her heart broke. 168 hours since Rain walked out of her life. She laid on her stomach, clutching the soaked pillow to her face and crying heavily, her dark hair covering her pale, tear-streaked face. Her tray of tea and butter cookies that sat on her desk was cold and untouched; her paperwork began to file up, but her mother took care of it. Letters sent from many suitors piled her desk, but she paid them no mine.

No one can replace Rain.

Rain, the man that made her heart become something pure, then crushed it. The man she loved for three years, the man who she had a passionate moment with, the man who was her first kiss, the man who had lied and cheated, the man with a killer smile and held her close as she slept and kissed when she woke up. The man who did love her with dark intentions.

And she was blind to see it.

No one intruded on her during her week of heartbreak. The maids had begged her to come out, but she never did. She never even looked outside. Just remain in her curtain-shrouded room. She hardly got up, only to tend to her hygiene and go back to sulking. She didn't eat much, and became cadaverous, haggard when it was only just a few days since Rain departed. Whatever she ate, it came back up. Drinking something like water was something for her that she didn't purge. She became increasingly sleepy as well. Slept half the day.

Heartbreak was something that had felt normal. When she lost her mother, she was devastated. Then, when it came to Rain. Oh. What a new type of heartbreak. It was if he ripped her heart out and stomped it to the floor. Tore her to shreds. Destroyed her. Mutilated and violated her soul.

The door was given a light rap.

"Who is it?" Kitana sobbed.

"It's me," the voice whispered. It was her lady-in-waiting. She had on a green dress, matching the color of her jade-colored eyes, accenting her brown skin and jet black hair that is tied back in a sectioned ponytail. Her form was curvy, earning her plenty of admirers, especially with the guard at times. This, was Jade. When she saw her friend on the bed in such a tattered state, she clicked her tongue. "By the gods, you weren't joking, weren't you."

Kitana briefly looked at her beloved friend, then hid her tear-streaked, bloodshot eyed face into the satin pillow, sobbing once again. What Jade said wasn't making her better, no, quite the opposite.

Jade walked over to the heartbroken princess, sitting down on the bed and rubbing her back in soothing, calm motions. She shushed her friend, and wrinkled her nose when she inhaled her scent. It was rancid and disgusting. "Love, you need a bath."

"I don't want to."

"Please, do it for me."

"It won't bring him back. I'm such a fool for ever thinking he loved me . . ."

"Kitana . . ." When Jade ran her fingers through Kitana's hair, she was surprised to find it tangled in knots, and removed her hand, sighing. "Do it for your realm. They will not be happy to hear their princess is in low spirits, and she has lost her sense of responsibilities."

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