Control Part 3-Hurricane of Pain.

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 “'Cause I'm standing in the eye of the storm, and everything I'd known is blowing away. . . . And I know that I'd be willing to feel the pain if it got me to the other side. 'Cause I only hurt hurricane.”—Hurricane, Theory of a Deadman.

Kitana dry-heaved into the toilet for the third time today. She had expelled the breakfast the maid gave her two hours ago, and she sat there near the toilet now as the sun began to crept into afternoon hours, shaking and shivering. Sweat beaded across the back of her neck, and her knuckles were bone white against the bowl. Get a hold of yourself, Kitana, she told herself. The food was probably undercooked, so that's why.

She knew she was lying to herself, though. It was her losing control.

When Kitana rose from being on her knees for almost the whole morning, she brushed her teeth and braced her hands against the sink, wondering why is she feeling the pain of her heart being snapped in two after she extracted the part that made her love her lover's half-brother. She should be relaxing, doing something to rid herself of pain, but instead she's making her be full of pain instead. She was given a day off by Daegon, and she knows how concerning he can be.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the closet, put on some clothes, and walked out of the bedroom, only to get stabbed in the foot by a miniscule piece of glass that she didn't notice on the floor.

“Ouch,” she cried, removing her foot away to witness what caused her injury. A pearl of blood touched the sole of her foot. The little shard poking out of her skin, shining in the lights. As she lifted her foot to tend to her wound, her eyes fell on the cause of the broken glass and she wanted to die.

A painting of her and Rain. Old, but still there in the worn out colors. Her long hair was not the dark brown it was, seeing the color had faded, but it was still there, in the dramatic, elegant fall. She looked young, around 16, with her mother's eyes, so kind and full of life. Her lips were pursed, but slightly up in the edge of a smile. Rain was unmasked, slightly smiling too as his hand was clamped upon her shoulder. His dark hair was free and wild, tumbling to his shoulders, contrasting his signature purple outfit. He looked young and strong, arrogant and powerful. They looked . . . happy, in love, forever safe and not having what they had not broken—

Kitana backed away from the picture in horror, feeling her lungs become drowned in fear before she kicked the painting. Again and again until the picture of her and Rain was unrecognizable. Heated anger beat her skin, covering her in sweat, and she stormed out of the castle and into the gardens, feeling the chill of Winter bit onto her flesh and cheeks, turning them a bitter red.

“Your Grace,” said a gardener with dark shaggy hair, breath a white puff. He bowed immediately. “Do you request anything?”

She shook her head slowly, her dark hair touching her skin. “No, no thank you. You may return to your duties.”

The gardener nodded and tended back to his work.

Kitana sighed heavily and walked to the place where her stupid, younger self was shattered by Rain's plot. When she saw the bench, her stomach lurched. It was still there, a tad rusty, and the canopy had holes from moths' recent feedings. She could feel the troubled emotions brewing from it. Almost see it. It was eating her skin already, her muscles, leaving her a broken skeleton.

Sometimes emotions can hit people in many ways. Some may be strong, unable to be fazed, or some are just weak, suddenly becoming broken and unable to fend for themselves. Kitana was always strong from all the training she required, never breaking down or anything, until that



fateful day.

The day her world shattered.

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