Chapter 9. The Ultimate Truth

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Mikey dully became aware of the fact that a familiar pain was bugging him. And before he was even truly conscious, something compelled him to rouse from his peaceful sleep. The ache grew worse, and Mikey took notice that it seemed to be coming from his side. Another jolt of pain made his hand twitch—and instantly he felt a new warmth on the appendage. That sensation was what finally brought Mikey into the realm of consciousness.

Mikey moaned weakly, scrunching up his face. He felt sluggish and disoriented. As Mikey attempted to crack his eyes open, he tried to piece together what he could. Where am I? I don't think this is my bed...feel pretty bad...and I hear something...

Hoping to get more clues, Mikey strained to identify the noises around him. Someone's talking. But who? The voices sounded distant and at some point, the words jumbled together in a confusing mess. Giving up on listening, Mikey decided to turn his muddled thoughts to the strange throbbing in his side. It really hurts...and I can't open my eyes, too hurts...side hurts...side hurts?

Suddenly recalling everything that had happened, Mikey's eyes snapped open in shock. I was running away, but I don't remember anything after that! What happened? Mikey wildly swivelled his head to take in his surroundings. It seemed that he was back in the lab. Heart pounding, he eventually turned to face none other than Don. He immediately noticed that his brother's mouth was moving, but his racing mind couldn't catch what the turtle was saying. He felt a strong pressure on his plastron that pushed him back down on the bed. Mikey resisted as much as he could, but his arms trembled under the stress.

Unable to fight back, Mikey started to hyperventilate. I have to get out! Get out, get out, get OUT!

"Mikey, stop! You've got to listen to me!"

Mikey flinched when he finally could understand what his brother had been yelling all along. At the pause, the strain on Mikey's body had just endured finally caught up with him. The youngest started to cough. Suddenly Mikey became aware of new hands grasping him. Overwhelmed with pain and fear, Mikey went limp against his support. When the coughing fit was over, Mikey remained still, letting his head clear. He focused on the sounds around him.

"Leo, get me that sedative on the table over there, we might need it." There were hurried footsteps and a rustling sound. Mikey distractedly judged that it came from behind him.

"Raph, you're gonna have to work with me here and keep a hold of Mikey. Believe me, it'd hurt him more if we didn't restrain him."

Mikey turned his attention to the sound of running water on his right side. It stopped abruptly, and he heard more footsteps, this time coming towards him. Finally calmed down, Mikey drowsily lifted his eyes to face his older brother once more. "D-don..." he whimpered. Don't even know what to say...where to begin. How can I possibly fix this?

"Here, drink this," said Don in a gentle voice, while tipping a glass of water to Mikey's lips.

Mikey took a moment to swallow down some water and caught a glimpse of Raph who he suddenly noticed was holding him up with a warm hand. He mustered up enough strength to drop his own hand on top of Raph's shoulder in thanks. He felt Raph flinch from the unexpected touch. When Mikey was finished, he felt himself being lowered back on the bed. His blanket was readjusted by Leo.

Now that I'm conscious, I thought that my bros would interrogate the shell out of me, but they're just standing around, all silent and stuff. It's not like them. The youngest felt even more anxious. Hoping to strike some sort of conversation, Mikey lolled his head lazily to the side, peering around Don and Leo to gaze at the open lab door, which to his surprise didn't seem to let any light in. He scanned the lab once more, taking in the dim light that lit up the room.

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