Chapter 14. True Story

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It wasn't until late afternoon that Mikey woke up. He was a little disoriented, but at least his head felt much clearer than before, and the pain in his ribs had been reduced to a dull ache. At the moment, he was too comfortable to move from where he rested and continued to stare at the high ceiling of Don's lab with half-lidded eyes. I wonder...what happened to the black cat. I hope it's okay. Well, knowing Donnie, I'm sure it is.

When Mikey tried to move into a sitting position, he instantly felt something holding him down. Have my bros tied me to the bed or something? Though I wouldn't put it past them...I ran from them twice already. Craning his neck forward, Mikey discovered Leo and Raph next to him on either side of the bed. They were both asleep, their bodies hunched over the bed.

Oh, so they must be weighing me down. Mikey smiled silently. And if they're here, then Don should be—Mikey rolled his head to the side and caught his purple-banded brother across the room in a large chair, slumped over his desk.

Mikey wanted to stay as he was, safe and sound in the presence of his sleeping siblings; but he knew he couldn't sit still for long, thinking about the cat. Decision made, Mikey lifted his arm—the one not pinned down by Leo—and weakly shook Raph's shoulder.

Raph's reaction was instant. In seconds his eyes shot open to see his little brother awake and smiling. He stood straight up, knocking his chair over with a loud clang clang clang that immediately woke Leo and Don as well. Mikey couldn't have asked for a better wake-up call.

"Easy Raphie, you could have woken up half 'a New York for all we know," Mikey said with his trademark smile. He glanced at the digital clock on Don's desk. "Unless it's the afternoon of course..."

"It was yer fault, ya nutball!" Raph exclaimed childishly, trying to mask the smile that had automatically lit up his face. He settled for a slightly annoyed look. "An' don't call me that."

Mikey made another attempt to get up now that Leo and Raph were off of the bed, but Don walked swiftly to put a gentle hand on his chest, signalling for the youngest to stop. "I don't think you're going anywhere, mister," Don said sternly, pulling back the covers to examine Mikey. "Well, the swelling has gone down a bit..." he trailed off, silently going over his mental checklist.

Raph peered over Don's shoulder. "So how long is Mikey...outta commission?"

Don sighed. "Well, I can't say for sure, but the healing process can be anything from one to two months. There isn't much treatment for broken ribs."

Mikey's eyes widened. "Two months?" he squeaked. He coughed a couple of times from the use of such a high voice. That sounds waaaay too long to be stuck like this!

"But that doesn't mean you won't be able to do normal things," Don added quickly. "Moving a lot or deep breaths will hurt a bit, but if you leave it alone, you'll be back to morning practice in no time."

Mikey breathed out in relief. Who knew I'd be so grateful for being able to train. "So, I can get up now—"

"—Today, you should rest." Don interrupted, holding a pleading stare with Mikey.

The youngest pouted. "Fine," he grumbled. He closed his eyes for a second before snapping them open. "Oh, I almost forgot! How's the cat doing? Is it okay?" Mikey looked around the lab as best he could from where he lay.

Don smiled at Mikey in reassurance. "It's fine. I cleaned and bandaged up its injury, which isn't too serious if we clean it regularly, of course. It's in the corner—" Don paused as he looked at an empty cushion and litter box.

"Where did the cat go?" Leo said, turning to the only exit to the room, the lab door. It was open with just enough space for a cat to get through.

Raph huffed. "Man, that cat could be anywhere in the lair!" His face was pulled into a frown, but when he looked to Mikey it turned into a teasing smile. "It's always the things that you bring home that get us inta some kind 'a trouble, ya know that?"

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