Chapter 6.

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Neo moved himself into the middle of the large bed. Naiyana breathed a raspy breath. She and Neo were yet again staring each other down.
Her Chocolate curvaceous body, his long dark skin abs & beautiful face that collected more diamond  sweat than anyone she had ever known.
The windows blew open, making the light purple curtains dance around Neo and Naiyana.

She swept her long soft jet black curls to the left side of her face, so Neo could see her better.
She touched her bottom lip with her finger, slowly guiding her other hand towards the middle of the walls where  the Goddess was guarded.

Neo was entranced by the loving vivacious woman that stood before him. He had seen the beauty in her before. The real Naiyana Lazon had emerged and she was more than beautiful, she was Miraculously Gorgeous.

And wetter.

Naiyana walked through the curtains & crawled onto the bed, reaching Neo. They faced each-other with a long awaited kiss.

"Mhmmmm... " He went. The taste of their milk mixed together was amazing.
"Lay down Neo.." she commands, "Lay down."
Naiyana puts her hand on her shoulder, Neo laid down with her hand helping him.
He slipped his hand onto the inside of her inner thigh, he takes a lick of the milk that was still running down.

Still fresh and sweet.

Neos breaths had grown raspier.  He was ready to for his queen to take her rightful place on the throne.
She touched her pussy lips and rubbed them infront of Neo.
"Bowing time is over, it's time to take the throne."
Naiyana climbed ontop of her erect lover.
She became  ferocious again, grabbing the beast.  Neo sprung in to help her.
Breaths hardened on each side, eyes connected, the moment that they had both been waiting for was here.  Never breaking the gaze, Naiyana took Neos hand and slid him inside of her.

Gasps leave her mouth. Her eyes go big, and then lowers her lashes.
Neo is fully hard and erect. He places his hand on her back to keep her in position. As he is stunned by how tight she is.
The beast had been in her mouth for two hours, he had felt different inside of mother goddess.  It was almost as if he was made for her.

She sat still for a moment.

Neo kissed the side of her stomach, then towards her inner thigh.

Naiyana slowly pushed Neo back down on the bed.

A small light between the connection of beast & goddess started to flicker. The light turned into a yellow stream of sparkles, that circled around the couple. Naiyana's honey brown eyes began to glow. A small dot appeared on her forehead, forming a nubain pattern around  the rest of her head, down to her neck. The yellow dust shimmered. The pattern then reached her breast, covering her entire chest, except her nipples. Around her stomach the design was switched with long swirls to both side of her hips. The last place that was covered was the wall of mother goddess.

Her third eye had emerged.

The stream of sparkles formed a herd of butterflies around her. Never breaking the grip on Neo's shoulders,  Naiyana moved her hips slowly. It was then she opened her mouth, rocked her hips on his lap, moaned a long a moan.

And then.........The light exploded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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