Chapter Eight

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After Steve and I got back, we were given clothes to change into. Steve and I were sitting in the infirmary. Two nurses were drawing blood from both Steve and I. It was silent in the room. I know Steve is as sadden by Dr. Erskine's death as I am. The nurses finished collecting our blood in about 20 vials. "Think you got enough?"Steve asked the nurses. They nodded their heads, and walked out the room.

"Any hope of reproducing the program is locked in your genetic code. But, without Erskine it could take years," Peggy said. 

"He deserved more than this," I quietly said. Peggy walked over to me, and gently placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"If he could only do it once, he'd be proud it was the two of you," she said, sympathy clear in her voice. I glanced at Steve, who happened to be looking at me as well. "We should be heading to Colonel Phillips. I'm sure he'll need to speak with the two of you," she added. I nod my head and then Steve and I follow Peggy out the room. As we walked, I felt Steve place his hand on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. I reluctantly nod my head. 

"Yes, I'm fine," I lied. I was far from fine. The man who's been like a father to me, for the past three years was taken from me. Killed by a German spy, without any remorse. I haven't felt this way, since my own father died. 

"You can talk to me, if you need to," Steve suggested. I weakly smiled, and nodded my head. We followed Peggy down some stairs, to hear Colonel Phillips talking to a few men about Hydra. 

"Hydra is a Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions," Peggy said to the group of men as we joined the group.

"Hydra's practically a cult, they worship Schmidt. They think he's invincible," Colonel Phillips explained. 

"So what are you going to do about it?" A committee leader asked. 

"I spoke with the President this morning. As of today, the S.S.R. is being re-tasked." Colonel Phillips walked towards Peggy.

"Colonel?" She asked. 

"We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags, Agent Carter. You too, Stark. We're flying to London tonight." Colonel Phillips turned to walk away, but Steve stopped him. 

"Sir, if you're going after Schmidt, I want in," Steve said. 

"As do I. I have every right, since I've been in this division for three years." I told him. 

"You two are experiments, you're going to Alamogordo." Colonel Phillips said. 

"The serum worked," Steve said, a slight brow raised at the Colonel's words. 

"I asked for an army, and all I got was the two of you. The two of you, are not enough." Colonel Phillips said. He then turned away, and walked away from Steve and I. Peggy gave me a sorrow look, then followed the Colonel. I've been a soldier for this division, hell, I'm a lieutenant and now I'm being sent to Alamogordo just because I was part of Erskine's experiment. The committee leader walked to Steve and I, and took off his hat. 

"With all due respect to the Colonel, I think we may be missing the point. I've seen the two of you in action, Steve and Danielle. More importantly, the country's seen it. Paper." He called to a man. He walked over, and opened the newspaper for Steve and I to look at. "Enlistment lines have been around the block since your pictures hit the newsstand. A few women included," He added. I smiled slightly. "You don't take soldiers, symbols liked that, and hide them in a lab. Son, Lieutenant, do you want to serve your country, on the most important battlefield of the war." The committee leader said, as he placed his arm around Steve and I. 

"Sir, that's all I want," Steve said. I nod my head. 

"As do I," I agreed. The man smiled.

"Then congratulations. The two of you just got promoted," He said as he shook our hands. I personally couldn't think of what he could do for me. Seeing that I'm already a Lieutenant, what more can he promote me to. Then again, anything would be better than being shipped to Alamogordo by Colonel Phillips' order. 

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