Chapter 14

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Instead of heading straight to the gardens, I decided to explore the rest of the manor first.

It felt weird being back here after so long, coming back to where it all started and yet, It is nothing at all like it seemed before.

Already, I'd been walking around for what felt like ours, just searching for something to do, Or see.

It used to be dark and cold in every single room, and it was certainly smaller than what it is now.

I almost felt like I was back at Hogwarts again, getting lost at every single corner.

Until, That is, I found the library.

One of the largest rooms in the whole house, Yet it was barely ever used, other than by me of course.

Though I didn't use it for the books like one probably should, but I used it as a getaway.

I even had secret tunnels built within its walls, hidden behind the stacks of books themselves.

Every surface had been covered in thick layers of dust, apart from one spot in front of what was clearly not a bookshelf, but a door.

'Hmm, I wonder..'

With the softest push against the shelf nearest the middle, The small square wall slid back to reveal a small room.

The walls inside were completely made of stone, carved with the finest little details, or Words.

In the middle of the room was a single table, multiple piles of papers scattered across its top.

'This room certainly wasn't here before.'

I found myself flicking through each page, scanning anything and everything on each one.

'He's planning something, And Clearly, it has nothing to do with saving my mother.'

I found maps of what looked like secret entrances to the ministry and formations, groups stationed at each one.

And on another paper I read, was personal about me?

'What the fuck is this?'

Name: Elizabeth Carlisle


Gender: Female

Species: Human/Vampire/Witch

Abilities: Unknown

Cautions: Do not approach, Is considered highly dangerous and may possibly wield an unknown weapon.

And at the very top of it was the big words highlighted in red, WANTED.

'Unknown? What's so unknown about being a Vampire?'  

I almost laughed at it, The fact that I was the one who was wanted, And I was considered dangerous and powerful.

I couldn't help but smirk down at all of this, The fact that this was all here as if it were just waiting for me.

All the Evidence that my own father didn't want me as a daughter, But a weapon, to join his army and fight against the ministry.

At that second, I heard the slightest creaking noise in the hard wooden floors, and before I could spin around to see it, I was instead slammed up against the wall.

"What are you doing here?!" That deep voice rumbled, "You were supposed to be in the gardens, Carlisle."

 For the first time, His eyes met mine, Darker than ever and full of anger or quite possibly something else.

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