Chapter 3 - Part 2

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When Kate got to the mansion, three other cars were parked outside.

She'd hoped Tyler wouldn't be around. Though she'd told Evelyn that she wasn't fighting a battle, she did have a strategy in mind. She'd head in, put her stuff down in the guest room, and return to the office—all before Tyler got there.

She glanced at the cross pendant hanging from her rear-view mirror. "I declare that today will be a good day, Lord. I know You're always with me and You'll help me in whatever situation I face."

Squaring her shoulders, she stepped out of her car and looked at the mansion, her home for the next year.

The beige exterior of the three-story mansion and the clear glass of the long windows stared back at her. Though the late Mr. Hayes had kept up with the maintenance, the walls were tinted with a hint of gray and dullness; probably due to the dust collected over the past few years.

The layer of dust cast a gloom over the mansion, making it seemed as if it, too, were in mourning.

She shook her head and headed toward the door.

Even before she was near the door, she could hear the lively racket within. With her luggage in hand, she cautiously pushed it open.

The moment she stepped in, all the clamor ceased. Everyone seemed to freeze in place, seemingly waiting for someone to react. That was until a shrill whistle woke everyone from their trance.

"You're Kate Mitchell?"

She moved toward the crowd and cast a quick glance at the four men and the woman present.

"Yup," she answered the man wearing a plain gray T-shirt that showed off his bulging muscles.

The same man let out a loud, boisterous laugh. "Well, Anne, you should start worrying now." He got to his feet and reached over with a boyish grin. "I'm Ryan Faris." Tilting his head to the left, he said, "That's Joseph Hansen and Dan Riley." Each smiled and waved when his name was mentioned. "The one sitting next to Ty is Joanne Riley."

"I'm Ty's fiancée," Joanne said while scrutinizing Kate from head to toe.

Kate shook Ryan's hand and nodded politely as she looked at the polished blonde sitting next to Tyler. Thick mascara lined her eyes and her nails glimmered with neon pink nail polish.

She couldn't help conjuring up the image of a Barbie doll when looking at Joanne.

"You're all here to help him move?" Kate took the chance to give everyone another look. All the guys appeared tall, their lanky legs stretched out casually in front of them, and all of them seemed to be at ease.

All except Tyler.

His legs were stretched out like the rest, but his arms were folded, and he was staring into space as though he was afraid to look anywhere else.

A moment of silence descended as everyone turned to look at the single piece of luggage standing by the couch.

"I want to say yes, but it'll be pretty obvious that we're lying. So, here's the truth: We're here to see who Ty is going to be living with for the next year." Ryan beamed another of his boy-next-door grins and winked.

Despite his hulking figure, his gregarious nature removed the threat of how his arm could easily crush her if he wanted.

"Is that all you have? Looks like both of you travel light," Joseph Hansen commented.

Kate turned to look at Joseph. If she hadn't known that Tyler was an only child, she would've thought they were brothers. They shared the same dark brown hair, except his was cut much shorter, showing a clear, radiant face. He gave her a small pensive smile as though he, too, was contemplating her character.

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