How to remove nail polish

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What you need: nail polish remover, cotton balls.

Find the end of the roll and pick it apart with your fingers so you have one long strip.

Tear the strip into smaller pieces - you can get quite a few out of one ball! You really just want pieces large enough so that you can cover your whole nail.

Pour some nail polish remover into the cap and dip a strip into it. You want the strip saturated but not dripping wet.

Push the wet strip down onto a nail firmly so it will stay in place and repeat for the rest of them.

You'll want to let this sit for a minute or two once you're done.

Once it's been a couple minutes, remove the strips but pushing them off the ends of your nails. Apply pressure at the nail bed and push the cotton toward the tip. The polish should come off pretty easy!

If the cotton sticks, chances are you didn't use enough remover. Dab more polish remover onto the cotton and let it sit a little longer.

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