How to get rid of hickeys

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1- If it is swelling put a spoon in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Afterwards put the back of the spoon on the hickey to reduce swelling.

2-Hot method (personally worked)
Heat water then soak a towel in it. Make sure the water is hot but not boiling.

3-If only a few hours have passed since you received your love bites, massage with alcohol is probably the best treatment you need. Put a little alcohol on and around the hickey with a cotton ball. Gently massage for a few minutes. This will reduce any irritation. Rubbing with alcohol can dry your skin, so use a little moisturizer as soon as you're done. Do this several times a day for two days.

4- can be hidden with makeup. In case, you have a party to attend, and you have no time for compresses, you can make use of a concealer or foundation. The colour of the concealer must be lighter than your skin tone. If darker, then the concealer could be undoubtedly seen.

5- banana peel.
Cut the peel of a ripe banana.
Now place the inside of the peel on the bruise for around 10 to 30 minutes.
You can do this two or three times in a day to remove the appearance of the Hickey.

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