Chapter 8: Model

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"I think the best way to start off our drawing class is by doing something exciting." Mrs. Prez spoke to her class. "For the rest of the week, we'll be practicing gesture drawing. Every single one of you will model for the entire class, varying from two to fifteen minutes each."

Murmurs filled the room as students eagerly whispered to one another. Ace glanced around the room nervously, noting that many were terrified of the thought of staying still while dozens of eyes studied and sketched them.

She noticed a certain boy besides her shaking slightly, more anxious than anyone in the class. "Hey," Ace whispered softly to him.

Evan slowly rose his grey eyes, almost making eye contact to her. The female noticed a few of the boy's dark blue hair peeking out from beneath his large hood, as well as the white earbuds that hung around his neck. "It's going to be alright. I'm scared to stand in front of everyone too. You're not alone."

Ryoma watched his friend hesitantly nod slightly at the girl's words. He narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion.

"You'll need some paper and a pencil, preferably your sketchbook." The teacher continued explaining. "I'll randomly pick students from the roster and check off their names, just so I know who modeled and who didn't model. Let's see.." Mrs. Prez flicked her eyes down on the roster, gazing at the list of names. "Elene. You'll be our first model."

Ace looked to a table nearby to see the girl stiffen up slightly before taking a breath and standing up. "You'll be standing on top of this table." The teacher smiled as she gestured towards a table that had been set up in the middle of the classroom. "This way, everybody should have a clear view and a different angle."

The student forced herself forwards, feeling the gaze everybody in the classroom on burning her skin. She climbed up the chair besides the table and planted her feet on the heightened surface.

"We'll start off with fifteen minutes." Mrs. Prez clasped her hands together. "Strike a pose that you can keep for that long, and I'll keep watch of the time."

The students hummed in amusement as they prepared to draw the figure standing atop the table. Ace flipped open her sketchbook and picked out a pencil from her pencil case, waiting for Mrs. Prez to begin the timer.

"And.. begin! Fifteen minutes."

The sound of students gliding their pencils around on their paper sounded through the entire classroom, creating a relatively relaxing environment. Ace relaxed herself, focusing on sketching out the entire figure before honing in on the details.



The students dropped their pencils, many groaning at their unfinished sketch and chatting with their friends. The girl stared at the figure she had drawn, feeling waves of despair hit her as she looked at the distorted humanoid with awkward limbs.

She noticed that students began talking with each other, many laughing at what each other came up with.

"That's pretty bad."

Startled, the girl looked up. Her eyes met Ryoma, suddenly standing behind her and peering at her work from on top of her.  An amused smile pricked at Evan's lips before he covered his mouth with his sleeve. "What?" She coughed out. "You're talking to me?"

The large male rolled his eyes. "Who else would I be talking to when I'm standing right behind you?" Ryoma reached over the table, using the blunt of his pencil to point certain features out on her sketch. "The proportion of the head is too large compared to the rest of the body. The neck is too long. The shoulders should be farther apart, the stance looks stiff. The arms are too short, the feet are too big."

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