Chapter 15: Counselor

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 Walking to the main office with Kai by her side, she somewhat felt a sense of relief. It was a strange feeling, but it was there. The two were walking in silence side by side.

"..Hey, Kai?" Ace reluctantly started.

"Yeah?" He looked at her curiously.

"What do you.. think of me?" She stared at the floor, unable to meet his eyes.

"What do I think of you?" He adjusted his glasses. "You are.. A kind person. You are brave and confident, and I am very happy to have had the privilege of meeting you."

She crossed her arms. "..I thought you would think of me as a monster." 

His eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Why?"

"I'm always getting into fights and act impulsively, you know.. I don't think about my actions." She brought her eyes up to him. "How could you say such kinds things to someone like me?"

"Ace." He chuckled, placing his arm over her shoulders, surprising her. "I don't understand why you're bashing yourself like this. I'm saying these things to you because you are these things. You are dignified and proud. You know to take action when there's something wrong. Many of us wouldn't do that. You are kind- always acting nicely around others and making them feel at home. You are brave for standing up for things that are wrong. You are confident. You know you're right and I believe you because I can also agree that you're right. You saying that you are a monster.. Doesn't situate right with me. Are you just calling yourself a monster for getting involved?"

"Well I.." She sighed. "At my previous school, I was actually avoided. I did stop people from abusing one another, but without any words. People just thought that I was there to claim the title of 'the most feared student in school'. They thought I fought bullies to overrule them. I was an outcast."

"It doesn't matter about what people think of you. You act because you know something isn't right."

"I don't want this school to think of me like my previous school did."

"And they won't because I'm here and I know what your intentions are. You'll never be an outcast in my eyes." Kai opened the door to the office, allowing her to step in first. He followed her in. "The world needs more people like you."

"..Thanks, Kai." She smiled, pulling him into a hug.

It didn't last for more than two seconds, but he felt a wave of happiness wash over him. It was followed by disappointment soon after it ended.

He forced a smile. "You're welcome."

"Ace Asai? Your counselor is waiting for you." The lady from behind the counter spoke.


"Hey, if you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here for you." Kai smiled.

The girl laughed. "How could I talk to you? We won't see each other."

"..Not if I get your number."

Startled, she stared at him.

"Or not. I'll see you later Ace!" Before she knew it, Kai had left the office, leaving her to her lonesome.

She turned around and walked into the office, seeing that her counselor was patiently waiting for her in a separate room.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Asai."


"Please, take a seat." The lady gestured towards an empty chair in front of her desk.

Doing as she was told, the girl walked towards it and sat down. A name plaque sat on the desk. She read Counselor Ms. Henderson.

"First of all, are you hurt?" Her counselor asked.

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