When the Sunlight Dies Pt. 2

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| Second part. Bring with you tissues and tea. Comment your reaction to this chapter. Does anyone still read my fic anymore? |


I woke up in a white room, in a white hospital bed, in a white cloth that I guessed was supposed to serve as a hospital gown. An IV in my arm pumped a milky fluid in my veins. I felt so weak that I struggled to raise my hand.

I looked more at my surroundings. A large white door to my left kept me locked in. In each corner, a (you guessed it) white security camera was mounted. I was filled with anxiety. The more I struggled, I had the urge to vomit.

The door to my left opened and a tall man with a lab coat entered the room. He smiled at me and I immediately felt pissed off. It was as if he was mocking me.

"My name is Dr. Stockhill. All you have to do is answer a few questions for us and we will let you go." The doctor cleared his throat and smiled again. "Number one: Where are your Killjoys located?"

I stared at him and an awkward silence followed. His smile still remained.

"How about the next one? Number two: What are the real names of the Killjoys you've been staying with?" He looked up at me from his clipboard hopefully.

I stayed silent. My anger level was rising.

"Number three: What plans are the Killjoys making against Better Living Industries?"

Again, I didn't answer. The doctor's smile faded and he left the room. Just when I thought I had the room to myself, a bald man in an ugly, grey uniform entered. He looked angry. In his hand he carried a single piece of paper and a tack. I watched as he put the paper on the wall with the tack aggressively. The paper was a photograph of Ghoul. It was one used on the Exterminate posters.

The man grinned at my reaction. Although it wasn't really a grin, it was more of a sneer.

"You know him. I know you do. Is he your friend perhaps? Best friend? Lover?" His voice was thick with an English accent.

I swallowed hard and clenched my jaw. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. I felt like I had lost my voice.

"So he was important. I'll make sure to say hi to him for you when I see him." The man smiled and laughed.

Finally I gathered up enough courage. I used everything left in me.

"Where the fuck is he!?" I yelled across the room.

The man kept quiet and calm. "If I do remember, I'm the one asking the questions. If you answer one of mine I'll answer one of yours."

"What do you want to know?" I growled.

"Why you went missing 6 months ago."

"I ran away. There. I answered a question." I replied.

The man shook his head. "I guess it's only fair. We don't have your lover in custody. We don't know where his is, that's why we are asking you. You can tell us or you stay here until we make you."

"He'll come for me. I know he will." I said in a low voice.

The man laughed. "Good luck with that thought."

He left the room. Ghoul's face stared at me from across the room.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to the picture.

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