I'll Be Your Android Girl

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My shoulder healed well. We had no issue with it getting infected despite my constant adventures with Ghoul. The ache began to fade each day, but I was left with permanent damage. My shoulder was weak and made a strange clicking noise when I moved it a certain way. But just as we thought things were getting easier, new news came through.

We were all in the sitting room visiting with Cola and Rocket. Rocket was so happy to see us all together again. She took a seat next to Kobra who didn't seem to mind her presence. Jet handed us all shots of vodka. Cola held his up.

"A toast to the fabulous and unbeatable killjoys. Cheers, my friends." He said with a grin.

We all leaned in to clink our small shot glasses together.

"Bottoms up." Poison said.

I had never been exposed to such a strong drink so I immediately started coughing. Kobra laughed at me.

"I'm a hard liquor virgin." I retorted as Ghoul poured us all another one.

"Hard liquor virgin." Kobra said with a smirk.

Poison took his second shot and then said, "You're just jealous, Kob because you ain't gettin' any."

I grimaced after my second shot. I felt gross. I put the shot glass on the table next to me before tuning the radio into Dr. D's station. We talked through the advertisements for radiation checks and silenced for the news.

"New info from the Zones, Tumbleweeds. Rumor has it that the rogues are planning another uprising." Dr. D cleared his throat. "Usually I don't report much anymore about them due to the fact that most of their attempts to cause any kind of change has failed. But there more recent plans are aimed towards a new experiment going on in Bat City. When I get more information, I'll let you in on it. Now for the weather."

Poison shook his head. "Fucking idiots."

Rocket scolded him. "Shut up I want to hear the weather."

Poison flipped her off and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Unfortunately we have a storm coming in from the west off of the ocean. It ain't slowin' down for us. Hold tight, motorbabies. All zone runners...I suggest you find a place to hunker down for the night unless you want to be blown all the way to China. It looks like it might rain for a few days. The most we've had in years! Flooding is possible in areas near Bat City. That's all for today, folks. Next on the radio we got some tunes from Mad Gear and Missile Kid."

We took Dr. D's advice seriously and boarded our windows tightly after gathering some extra supplies. Ghoul and I sat in the ballroom listening to the thunder. It shook the whole inn. I was almost afraid of the place falling apart. The rain could possibly start leaks that soaked the whole place to rotting out.

I looked over at Ghoul and sighed. He winked at me and grinned.

"Here we are. You...Me...in the ballroom...alone." He said.

I giggled and shook my head. "I think we need to go help the others."

"The others are already done. They are busy drinking themselves to hell in the other room." He replied.

We didn't talk for some time. Ghoul broke the silence.

"I used to be so good at this."

"Good at what?"

"Wooing girls."

I burst out into laughter. "Wooing girls? You don't even have to try to woo me. I'm already yours."

He chuckled and shook his head. "The thing is, I actually feel so nervous around you. I feel like I'm not good enough."

I ruffled his hair. "I'm a complete loser next to you. I'm the one that should be nervous."

There was a loud knock at the ballroom door. I heaved a sigh and pushed myself up from the floor. Jet pushed open the heavy wooden doors and peered in to the darkness.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Fucking around." Ghoul replied, smirking.

"I told him we shouldn't be hiding out here." I gave Ghoul a harsh look.

"Goody two shoes here wants to actually do work." He jabbed his thumb in my direction and I rolled my eyes.

        "Are you coming to sit with us in the living room or not?"

We pulled ourselves from the floor and followed Jet into the sitting room. I sat down next to Ghoul on the loveseat. All eyes were on us.

"What were you two up to? Thought we would all watch reruns of Scooby Doo on the VHS player." Poison said. "But we couldn't get it working."

"I'm the only one who knows how to fix things around here." Ghoul mumbled and shuffled over to the TV.

        Kobra turned to me and said, "What he lacks in height he makes up for with his ego."

        I could see that it took every once in Ghoul not to tackle Kobra to the floor. The laughter from all of us softened the hard look on his face.


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