Chapter 16

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Yn pov
It was almost time for us to start the party and start the games

So we did one more surprise before starting , we told the attendees that we will be immediately going on our honeymoon to Honolulu, Hawaii

Surprising not only them but also Jeongyeon herself

I planned all of this behind her back, trying to make sure I can make her happy for the rest of my life

After the announcement, we immediately began setting up for a VERY INTERESTING BRIDAL GAME

A single lonely chair was set up on the dance floor

"Baby, can you sit down there?" I asked as I pointed to the chair

She stood up as I smirked, she's not ready for what's about to come in a few moments...🙄🙄🙄

The moment she sat down, I immediately explained that not only will we be playing games but also the kids and other adults present

Thus we began, as Jeongyeon sat in the chair, I crouched down facing her and lifted her bottom part of her dress, I dived my head in first...

According to this certain game's rules, we had to grab the bride's underwear with our mouth only and that was what I was trying to do in the most entertaining way possible

As I dived my head first into her Meow Meow, My breath became ragged, caressing her pussy and making her moan
The cute thing is that Jeongyeon tried to suppress her moans and keep a straight face among those who were watching

I smiled and after I made her moan, I continued by rubbing my lips on her vagina, making her wet
The longer I played and toyed with her, the more wet she became and couldn't hold it in any longer

Eventually I ended it by struggling to grab her underwear, constantly caressing my face against her soft thighs

Once I came out with her underwear in my mouth, everyone clapped and cheered in laughter at the silly wedding games everyone does

After I stand up and Jeongyeon returns to our seats blushing while looking down, I discretely grab her ass and whispered in her ear

"That was nothing, just wait for tonight" I said as I kissed her lips and grabbing her breasts from under her dress where no one could see

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