January 🤗

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So this year started off on a good foot, i guess, well i joined a new school and as usual i dont like makimg new friends thats because friends arent reliable, friends do you dirty and friemds stab your back. But this year i decided for things to change so i settled for less and lowered my ego and i let myself make a few friends but before i knew it my circle was as big as i'd expect it to be.

A few weeks later i joined boarding school to make my life easier since exams were four months away i figured why not and maybe take a few after school extra lessons. Everything was going well until i made the first mistake of the year.

So i started dating this guy his name was Jason, he was your average bad boy that most girls would want to date but in this case no girl wanted to which was shocking and i later came to find out.

So this Jason guy was super nice for like the first lets say three to four weeks and then i started to notice and see what everyone else saw, that Jason was a good for nothing asshole who didn't give a shit about anyone else but himself, he liked to disrespect girls alot which was more reffered to as sexual assult of which it was and he thought that the whole world loved him cuz of the attention he'd get. I guess i was caught up by the fact that i liked bad boys ( thats what i'll call them for now) and was too blinded to see that Jason just wanted to date the new girl and show everyone that he could.

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