February 😕

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As the month ended i know you expect to hear that i broke up with Jason but no, there was something holding me back, i was scared, of what? i still to date haven't found out. So time passed and as things were getting worse with Jason things were also getting bad at home. My dad has had a past with excessive drinking and my childhood was not all pink and teddies, well part of it was.

At the beginning of this year my dad was not himself, he'd drink alot and spend nights out and even weeks. A few weeks passed and he had a business trip to Canada and he didn't stay long on the trip. He had to come back because he was not in the right state of mind...lets say he was mentally emotional ( i didn't know what to call it ). So he came back home and he was immediately rushed to hospital where he stayed for about three days then came back home.

When he came back he was okay and we were all happy for him that he'd changed his ways and he promised us that he'd change his ways. He started coming to church with us, he spent more time at home with us and he even came home early after work just to spend more time with us. I loved it, it was good to see him change for the better.

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