Chapter 4

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The Days Of UA: Let's Begin~

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
- Henry Ford -

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Electronic Communication
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves

~ Let's Begin the Story! ~

It's been a month since Izumi was told she was accepted to UA, although during that time, Izuku refused to tell anything about UA to Izumi. So, now it's the first day of UA's new school year and Izumi didn't oversleep this time, but her brother did leave a note on the dining table.

'Izumi, I won't be able to walk you to UA but I'll see you later. For now, I should be at my agency but I made you some Katsudon.'

Without reading any further, Izumi ran around the house looking for the food, but came back to the note and realized the bowl was right next to note. "Hyperactive gotta fix that later... " Izumi mumbled before eating the bowl and getting dressed for the day.

Instead of running all the way to UA, Izumi took the train and saw Katsuki on the same train but avoided him like the plague. So she arrived at UA after walking once she left the train and avoided Katsuki, but once she did get into UA, she got lost while looking for Class 1-A.

"Already lost, Izumi?" Asked Izuku as he walked up to his imouto in his hero suit and she nodded in response. "Follow me,"

So, Izuku walked down the endless halls of UA with Izumi close behind. In a matter of minutes, they arrived at the class to which Izumi entered hurriedly. "Thanks, Nii-san!" She yelled before she closed the door behind her.

'Thought I told her I would meet her in class.' He thought as the bell rang and he could hear everyone in the class shuffle around for a few seconds before becoming quiet. Then he entered the class, much to everyone's surprise as he saw a few students biting their lip or putting their head down to stop their inner fan from coming out.

But he walked up to the front of the class and in front of the center of the board. "Hello, students, I am Evangelion but you may call me Midoriya-sensei. And as you can guess, I'll be your homeroom teacher for this year." He said which got a few reactions out of the more open of students, like the pink girl fist-pumping the air and the boy with the spiky, red hair doing the same as her.

Before he continued any further, Izuku walked to the side of the board before pulling out his phone and pressing it a few times. "Our first order of business will not be the opening ceremony or orientation, but instead we'll do a test and measure the performance of your quirk." He said before pressing his phone one last time and the board showed 20 small profiles with three scores, a name, and a picture of the student.

"The fuck! How'd Deku get a better score than me!?" Katsuki said as he stood from his seat and slammed his desk with an explosion.

In an instant, Izuku held Katsuki's head down against the desk with a gun to his head. "Bakugo, please don't use profanity or insult my Imouto again." Commanded Izuku sternly yet he looked calm. 

But he zoomed back to the front of the class without the gun. "As I was saying, please get into these P.E. uniforms and meet me in the P.E. field for the test." Then a wall opened with a rack of matching uniforms as Izuku disappeared in an instant.

After about 10 minutes, everyone in Class 1-A found themselves at the P.E. field with Izuku floating in the air while in the lotus position. "Alright, Bakugo since you're butthurt about the exam scores, how about you give us a demonstration?" Izuku asked as he floated to the ground.

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