Chapter 8

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The Days Of UA
Fall of USJ

"It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is a danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership."
- Nelson Mandela -

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Telepathic or Electronic
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Author or Super Move

~ Let's Get This Party Started! ~

Another week has passed for the students and teachers of Class 1-A, but with that came training and more boring lectures. Now, they'll be able to take a break from that and go on a field trip to USJ or the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, although sadly not Universal Studios Japan.

Currently, the day has yet to start for Class 1-A as they happily talk amongst each other while waiting for their overpowered yet a submissive teacher. That's right, submissive, remember that. But as the bell rang, the class quieted down while Izuku calmly walked into the class right on time.

"Alright class, you're going to get into your hero costumes and meet me outside of UA. But first, we have to choose a class representative." He said as the class riled up and started to cheer for something normal. "Normal? ... Whatever, we'll decide by vote." He said as he zoomed out of the room and came back with a basket and 20 slips of paper.

After all the votes were counted, Izumi was picked as the class president while Momo Yaoyorozu was picked as the vice president, and now both of them stood beside Izuku who was nearly a head taller than both of them. "W-Wait, w-w-what?" Izumi asked as she tugged on her nii-san's sleeve. "H-How did I-I get picked?"

"They seem to trust you, be proud they picked you." He whispered back as he returned to face his class. "Go ahead and change, I'll be waiting in front of the school." He said as Izumi put a choker on him and pulled out a remote. "Izumi, you've spent too much time with Midnight. But remember, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

With that, he left as he shapeshifted into his female persona with a white sundress and matching sunhat while she was forced to wear some heels. But she didn't seem to fight it as Midnight pulled her away to who knows where.

Eventually, the class of 1-A met up in front of UA where a bus was waiting along with Izuku in his female form who was leaning against the bus. "Alright, Izumi will take charge, I need to sit down." She said groggily before getting into the passenger seat of the bus and striking up a conversation with the driver.

"O-Okay, everyone, get into the bus. Remember to stay with a group!" She ordered as everyone went into the bus in pairs of two. Leaving Izumi with Katsuki who still seemed ticked off, but reluctantly sat next to her. 

After a quite loud bus ride, Class 1-A arrived at a white building with a glass dome roof. As they entered, Izuku returned to his normal state yet he kept the choker, but once the doors opened, they were met with a genderless pro hero wearing a white puffy jacket along with a helmet with black eye sockets, this was the rescue hero Thirteen.

Once everyone was grouped together at the gates, Thirteen started to speak to the class. 
Welcome to USJ, or the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. I'm the rescue hero Thirteen, and my quirk is Black Hole. Which is terribly dangerous, but I've mastered it so I can help rescue people and this facility will help you all do just that." He said as everyone looked at the different facilities within the building.

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