Chapter 3: Don't get caught

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I just stand in front of my door with my eye brows raised at him

"Aren't you even going to let me in?"
I mentally roll my eyes at him already hating his guts deep down.
I mean he's cute and all but that doesn't mean I'll open my door wide for him.

"Actually no, as I said earlier I'm really busy and you're sort of interrupting me"

He looks at me as though contemplating whether to talk but then he just walks away.

I close the door and once again as I'm left alone with my thoughts.
Maybe I really am a freak as they popularly called me in my former highschool because of my attitude, I can get all bitchy but deep down I still like to believe I'm a good person but then again I'll always be the town outcast.

I continue to think before I finally drift into darkness...

Grrrgh!!! grrrgh!!! grrrgh!!!

I groan at the sound of the alarm clock on my bedside table and quickly turn it off. Its another excruciating day at school, I already feel it taking it's toll on me.

I take a quick shower and rush down to school just before the bell rings, I quickly grab my books and make my way to class, it takes sometime before I can locate my class and by the time I do I already meet my civil rights teacher in class, I immediately spot an empty seat at the back and make my way to it

"Miss Green?"

Urrgh, couldn't he just let me be. Nevertheless I turn back to see him looking at me with a blank expression etched on his face

"Why are you late to my class?" He asks with his eyebrows raised. Not wanting to draw more attention to myself I decide to go with a polite response

"I'm really sorry, I lost my way, I'm new here so I still find it quite difficult to locate some places"

He nods understandingly "Melody kindly give Miss Green a tour of the school, we wouldn't want her losing her way continuously"
I honestly wonder what he means by that statement, it seems like as though there's a hidden meaning judging by the sarcasm dripping down his voice but nonetheless I take that as my cue to take my seat.

He continues the class and the class goes smoothly for another 40 minutes before the bell goes off and then I start to gather my books and shove them in my backpack as I make my way to the door but before I can even step outside someone links their hand in my arm hook. I look sideways to see a vibrant girl with dark blue ocean eyes looking at me with a cheeky grin.

I give her a what do you want look and she takes the hint and begins to talk
"I'm melody and I'll be your tour guide, our school is so amazing, wait till I show you some cool spots, you seem like a really cool person and I think we'd be good friends, I can tell you the what and what nots to do in the school and it'll be a totally amazing senior year and guess what, we get to set up charity events and stuffs and..."

I cut off her ramble not wanting to hear another word she has to say, this girl seriously has a talking problem.

"Melody you seem like a really nice person and all but honestly I'm not interested and thanks for agreeing to give me a tour round the school but I'll find my way in time" when I finish my statement, I visibly see her face pale but then she brightens up again

"Come on! there's no need for that, I'm not an enemy, I'm actually a friend, loosen up a little"

I was already beginning to find her wanting to know me attitude rather irritating

"Look melody I don't want to be friends with you alright and I'm really not in a good mood today so could you please just leave me" I say that looking her straight in the eye then I move to unhook my hand from hers and walk away without even sparing her a glance.

I quickly get to my locker almost late for my next class, I stick my tongue out close to the sensor on my locker and it verifies me as the owner and immediately opens displaying my properties. I quickly gather my books and make my way towards the next class of the day.

Time flies quicker than I expected and I find myself making my way towards the lunch room to you know, have some lunch.

I line up and get my preplanned order and just as i get my food on the tray, I spot an empty table and make my way there before anybody else claims it.
I take my sit and start to dig into my apple pie, to be honest it's terrible again today, I wonder if terrible food is the norm at this school but still I keep eating not wanting to leave my stomach empty.

I feel a presence above me so I instinctively look up to find the same boy that was at my house yesterday here in front of me

"May I seat?" He asks me with a small smile on his face, it's unfortunate I have to push him away, I just can't risk exposure.

"No you may not" I say then go back into my food and the next thing I know he pulls up a chair and drops his lunch on the table then he sits down.

"I thought I told you that you couldn't sit with me, just because you came to my house and had dinner with my family doesn't make us friends" I tell him off slightly raising my voice.

Its either he didn't hear me or decided to ignore me.
"now I remember you" he simply says but my face instantly pales with fear at him statement, I mean where does he know me from, could he already know my secret
If he does then I guess I'm dead already.

"you were the bitch that took my seat yesterday" he continues and I instantly feel relived.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot I'm Chase" I glance up at him and decide to ignore him, not wanting to indulge in this conversation anymore.

He pushes my tray of food from me, even though the food's terrible I feel quite annoyed at his rude gesture so I give him the meanest look I can muster up at the moment
"leave me the hell alone or you'll regret it"

"Ohh is that a threat well I'd like to see you make me regret it" he says

I roll my eyes at him and stand up, leaving him alone at the table and walking towards the exit of the cafeteria but not before the calls after me "we're making good progress lex!"
I roll my eyes again, I hope my eyes won't fall out one day from too much eye rolls.

The bell goes off at exactly 3pm signalling the end of the school day, I release a sigh aloud. School is definitely a terrible thing made by some jobless people to keep them from being idle.

I make my way down to my lair seeking some much needed magic time, I'm much more careful this time, I wouldn't want Mr. Rose seeing me here again.

I successfully sneak my way into the ally and into my lair and then I relax feeling already at home here and free from all the dangers of being caught with magic.

The lair is dark and there's some sort of hole at each corner allowing light to stream inside, looking at it from outside it looks like a rock but when inside its warm and pretty cosy with black sand running up each corner of the walls.

I run to the side and take out my spell book gently kept at one side of my lair and begin to ruffle through it wondering which spell I should try first today and then the perfect spell catches my eye.
A cloaking spell would do nice so I put down my backpack ready to experiment with it, I start chanting at the words
"Ascar verg jus nemorg dejour blemmen si cour fouren deur magnigento clocaro pori vandesero meti legoshi pani verritu menty jan.."

I quickly stop halfway through the spell when I hear foot steps and see a shadow heading into the lair.
Damn this isn't good I say to myself with fear steeping through my body.

Thanks for taking the time to read my book, it would really mean alot to me if you also voted and commented on this story.
If you want me to do another chapter kindly comment and vote.

Kisses and hugs

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