Chapter 7

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Listen to the song.  BLUEE EYEEES.  Ignore the rest, and just listen to that bit. xD

“Calm down,” I grumble to myself, glaring out of my window for a second.  I quickly grab my purse from the bedside cabinet and run downstairs.

Mom appears around the corner, a white robe wrapped around her body as she takes a sip from the steaming mug in her hands.  She frowns as she sees me hurrying, her gaze going to the window.

“What’s all the noise about?” She gestures outside to where a red sports car is pulled up outside the house, horn honking loudly.

Through the window, I can see Aaron and Jerry staring at the house impatiently.  In the driver’s seat, Aaron’s hand is hitting the horn repeatedly.  What an ignorant bastard.  Doesn't he know there are people sleeping at this time of day?

“It’s just my friends waiting,” I explain, rushing to the door and pulling it open.  “One of them has patience issues,” I add as the noise of the horn grows louder now that there is no sound barrier between us and the car.

“Alright, I’m coming!” I yell at the car.  The noise stops instantly as Aaron and Jerry smirk at me from the driver’s seat.

I roll my eyes, turning around to close the door.  Instead, mom is stood in the doorway looking towards the car inquisitively.

“Who’s that?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at Aaron and Jerry, who turn to each other and start making awkward conversation as they realize that my mom is staring at them.

“Just some friends,” I reply quickly.  “One of them is Micky’s cousin,” I decide to add, hoping to convince her that I’m not going to be with them taking drugs, or something reckless like that.

She visibly relaxes.

I bet that she trusts the Nichols family with her life.  After all, Micky's mom have known each other since college.  The two of them have been best friends ever since, therefore bringing Micky and I together.

“Okay, then,” she says, smiling.  Giving me a quick peck on the cheek, she retreats back into the house.  “Have a nice day!”

The horn honks loudly again.

“Alright!” I yell, louder this time, rolling my eyes.  “See you mom.”

With that, she closes the door and I run down the path.  I jump over the wall, ignoring the garden gate, and race to the car door.  I open it easily, jumping into the backseat without waiting for the guys’ permission.

“Someone has patience issues,” I greet Aaron sarcastically, buckling up quickly as we accelerate down the road.

“Says the girl who’s ten minutes late,” he replies swiftly, rounding the corner dangerously.

“Whoa!” I exclaim as we almost collide with the pavement where a couple are walking along.  “Watch out!”

I swivel around to check that the couple are still intact - which thankfully, they are - as we speed down the road. As I return my head to the front, I see Jerry smirking at my widened eyes in the side mirror.

“Didn’t you know he’s a crap driver?” he asks as though it’s obvious.  His face is pulled into a smirk.

“I do now,” I mumble, tightening my belt at my newfound knowledge.

We quickly pick up Harry and Verity, who enter the vehicle hand-in-hand.  Verity greets me with a big grin and a hug that almost crushes my bones, whilst I attempt to make room for them both.  They could’ve thought of the poor third-wheeler sat in the backseat when they decided to squish three baby seats together in the back of a car.

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