Chapter 10

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As soon as the car turns into the street, the loud thump of music vibrates through my ears.  I press my forehead against the cool glass, peering towards the obvious source of noise.  The street, lined with large, modern houses, is packed with cars and people rushing towards the tall house at the end of the street.

“Tell me if you see a space,” Verity’s voice pulls my gaze away from the street.  Her eyes are narrowed with concentration as she attempts to squeeze between two vehicles.

“Sure,” I reply, seriously doubting the chance of finding a parking space in the midst of this gridlock.

I take a closer look at the house where large groups of people are gathered.  The large, three-storied house is obviously expensive with its garden balcony and large front yard.  Bright flashing lights blare past the silhouettes of people from the thick-glassed windows on every floor.  On the balcony, there’s apparently a drinking game commencing as people form a circle, egging on the barely clothed couple in the middle.

“Don’t his parents mind?” I wonder out loud, noticing the empty cans and bottles littering the yard.  If I left my house like that, my dad would strangle me.

“Nope,” Verity answers, popping the ‘p’ loudly.  “They’re out of town a lot, workaholics I think.  He has maids to clean - aha!”

The car suddenly takes a sharp turn to the left, before screeching to a halt.  The view of the crowded mansion is replaced by a couple getting hot and heavy against the hood of a blue Mercedes.

“Got a space!” Verity exclaims, cutting the engine and opening her door. “Time to party!” She gives an excited jiggle of her hips before exiting the car.

“I’ll get out your side,” I decide, eyeing the couple next door with distaste as I climb across the seats after Verity.

As I follow Verity to the entrance, I realize just how big this party is.  People are spilling out of the doors and into the garden.  Groups of people drinking and shouting are gathered on the grass, other couples taking the chance to make out against the white walls of the house.

“Come on,” Verity urges me, grabbing my hand as we reach the doorway, which is crammed with people.  “We’ll go get some drinks and find people.”

I nod, gripping her hand tightly as we squeeze through.  Bodies press in on me as I try not to lose her hand.  A stray hand squeezes my ass tightly as I pass by, and my teeth grit together angrily, trying to turn around to spot the offender.  It’s too late by the time Verity has pulled me out.  There are too many people to see who it is.  No doubt, it’s some drunk and horny teenage guy.  This party is like a megaphone, screaming out for all horny teenagers across the town.

“Aaron, Harry!” I hear Verity’s excited squeal and look up to find the man himself.  A smirk is on his face and he ignores Verity as she pushes past, rushing into Harry’s arms.

I smile politely at him, my eyes flickering to his empty hands.  “No drink?” I ask, raising my eyebrows questioningly.  “I didn’t take you for a non-drinker,” I tease, striding towards him.

I spot Brad appearing around the corner, followed by Jerry, who looks as though he’s been hit by a truck.  “Eemily!” he slurs before Aaron can respond, stumbling towards me blindly.

I take in his obviously drunken state, exchanging a glance with Aaron as he throws his arms around me.  I stumble, trying to regain my balance as his staggering weight lands on top of me.

“Woah, Jerry.”  I pat his head awkwardly, which is rested on my shoulder.  I haven’t known him long enough to be comfortable with this closeness.  Struggling to pry his hands off of me, I look to Aaron for help.  As per usual, he just returns the look with an amused smirk as his friend releases his hold and collapses onto the floor in a drunken heap.  Thankful, I disentangle my legs from his body and step backwards.  “Does he always get drunk this early?"  I peer down at him, trying to work out whether he's completely unconscious.

The Player GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora