Chapter 7

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A few days had passed without any news from Paul and soon Friday rolled around, the day where Audrey and I were to spend a day with Oliver and Ben on a yacht, in the middle of the sea, with no possible way to sneak out.

I was still wary about going. I would much rather stay at home in my pyjamas all day, but I decided to do it for Audrey.

I had put some effort into my appearance today, pushing away my bangs from my face and wearing a touch of eyeshadow and mascara. I was wearing a two piece psychedelic bikini with a silk white pareo to cover everything until we reached the beach.

As I finished packing my beach bag with things on my couch, Audrey came through the door practically shaking with excitement.

"They're downstairs." She sang dancing around the room in her pink sundress.

"Alright, give me a second." I laughed getting up and slinging the big bag on my arm.

"Remember, play nice with Oliver, he could be your ticket out of here." Audrey smiled referring to my growing dept and run down living space.

I sighed and nodded understandingly as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear self consciously.

Just before we got to the door the telephone rang.

The two of us looked back quizzically.

"You go, I'll be down in a second." I said to Audrey, my eyes fixated on the telephone set.

"Alright." She agreed happily running off to the elevator.

I walked back to the phone and picked up after a deep breath.

"Hello?" I asked as upbeat as I could despite the dreadful feeling I had in my stomach.

"Hello love." Paul's voice rang through my ears making me perk up instantly.

"Hey Paul, what's up?" I inquired trying to calm my pounding heartbeat.

"I'm sorry I couldn't call sooner, things got busy, our new record released today." He apologized worriedly.

"Oh that's alright, congratulations on the record." I smiled twirling the chord of the telephone between my fingertips.

"Thanks," he paused. "So, I was wondering if I could, maybe, pick you up this Tuesday for a sort of, celebration dinner?" He sounded unsure of whether I'd want to spend more time with him.

"Oh, I'd love to." I agreed excitedly feeling like I was on cloud nine.

"Alright, I'll see you then." He sounded more confident.

"Yes you will. Bye Paul." I smiled biting my lip.

"Bye Charlie." He let out a small chuckle.

I hung up the phone and squealed feeling much better than before, having something to look forward to.

I rushed out the door happily and into the elevator. I was excited to get today over with so I'd be a day closer to seeing Paul again.

As I hit the ground floor my smiled faltered slightly as my eyes met Oliver, Audrey and Ben.

"Come on!" Audrey giggled.

"Alright." I grinned looking to Audrey's excited expression.

Once I caught up to them we walked out to see an expensive looking shiny blue Mercedes-Benz waiting for us, causing me to want to roll my eyes.

"You like that?" Oliver asked with an arrogant smirk looking to Audrey and I beside him.

"Yes." Audrey gushed nudging me in the back slightly.

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