Chapter 8

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The next two days passed by, and the only place I had only gone was from my flat to my work and back home. I felt terrified of everything, I had even begged to get taken off the night shift and onto the day shift just to avoid walking in the dark on my own.

Each morning for the next three days I walked along the sidewalk to work, trying to cover my arms and neck where the bruises were a deep purple and black colour. I had hung my head low practically shaking in fear I'd run into, him, again.

Tuesday soon came and I knew although I wasn't up to it, I couldn't cancel on Paul McCartney, it was practically unheard of. Not only that, but I couldn't just stay at home wallowing in my sorrows for the rest of my life, I didn't want Oliver to have even taken my joy away from me.

I decided to wear a black long sleeve turtleneck to cover up any bruises on my arms neck and body paired with a brown suede miniskirt along with some black ankle boots.

Once again, I headed for the "emergencies only" baggie like I had been quite often ever since Friday night, and rolled myself a small joint, just enough to calm my nerves.

Just as I sat down on my couch inhaling a deep breath of the smoke, I heard who I assumed to be Paul knocking at the door.

I jumped up and snuffed out the joint, trying to wave the smoke out from the air frantically.

I opened the door to see Paul dressed in a casual blazer with a striped shirt underneath and dress pants, holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses in his hands in front of him.

His eyes lit up as he saw me, but was soon focused on the fog that was throughout my apartment behind me with a small smirk.

"Want a smoke?" I asked awkwardly seeing his fixation on the fumes as he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent.

"Love one." He smirk grew as I opened the front door for him to enter.

"These are for you." He smiled shyly extending the bouquet out toward me as he stepped inside.

"Thank you." I blushed as he began to take in his surroundings.

I became slightly embarrassed, it wasn't that my apartment was messy or unkept, but it was rather small and I hadn't much in it. Most of my furniture was just the odd things I could find for a decent price. I had many plants around the apartment and some tapestries on the walls, along with many candles lit to keep the flat somewhat lit without electricity.

"Congratulations on the record." I praised as I went into the kitchen to grab a vase with water to put the flowers in.

"Thanks love, I really think it's one of our best so far." He grinned widely.

"I heard that one, Eleanor Rigby on the radio," I trailed off with a smile as I filled the vase with water at the tap.

"What did you think?" He asked walking over to the counter in the kitchen, watching me attentively.

"I loved it, it was beautifully written and made." I beamed making a smile appear on his lips.

His gaze stuck on me seductively for a moment, making me shift uncomfortably, reminding me of the look on Oliver's face last Friday.

"I'll be right back." I cleared my throat, excusing myself to go grab a smoke I had previously rolled out from my nightstand.

As I walked back to Paul in the kitchen, I put the joint in my mouth letting it hang out lazily, flicking my lighter on and lighting it as I walked, taking in a deep inhale of the smoke.

I handed it to Paul with a smile who took it happily, taking a hit of it himself.

I began to giggle for no particular reason as I watched him blow out a big white cloud of smoke.

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