Chapter 18

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Soon my parents left and the sun began to set. Paul had stayed throughout the whole intervention with my parents to my surprise, I wasn't sure many people would've took my father's comments so well like Paul had, he was nothing but polite all throughout my father's unpleasantness.

"How dare he, y'know? I'm not a child." I paced across the living room, my face red with anger just after they'd left.

"He just wants the best for you, you know that." Audrey assured me for about the millionth time as she and Ben cuddled up in the love seat together.

"Yeah, but coming all the way out here? The man has gone absolutely mental." I shook my head in utter disbelief.

"May be so but he's got his priorities straight." Ben laughed lightheartedly.

"I thought it was endearing," Paul tilted his head with a crooked smile, sitting on the couch leaned forward puffing on a cig.

"In an overbearing military father sort of way." Paul grimaced slightly knowing my father was just about as sweet as a brick of salt.

Ben let out a chortle.

"Three months." I mocked my father before going to sit on the end of the sofa Paul was sitting on.

"Relax love, you'll be back on your feet way way before then, I promise." Paul smiled comfortingly, passing the joint over to me.

"Right." I spoke with gritted teeth, rolling the joint between my finger tips before inhaling the vulgar smoke.

"So, Paul, you said Charlie's going on tour with you?" Audrey asked, fascinated with the idea of it.

"That's right." Paul smiled widely.

I blew out the smoke, handing it off to Audrey fascinated by how she hadn't even flinched when Paul had gotten the blunt out, usually she would've had a cow, but you throw one Beatle in the living room and somehow that all changes.

"And when were you planning on letting your old man know Char?" Ben asked with a smirk.

"I actually wasn't planning on it, but thank you Benjamin for putting that weight on my conscious." I smiled sarcastically.

"It might be best that he didn't know." Audrey pursed her lips in thought.

"I'm getting a drink." I sighed out loud rubbing my hands along my forehead in need of something to relieve the stress my father had drawn out of me.

"I'll come with you." Paul rose from his spot as well, catching me off guard.

"Alright." I smiled, unsure of why exactly.

The two of us walked into the kitchen, hearing Audrey and Ben shout some drink requests our way while we did so.

When we got into the kitchen in the other room, I waked over to the cupboard with alcohol, Paul following closely behind me.

"What do ye' fancy?" I asked grabbing four glasses.

"You." He smiled devilishly, causing a slight blush to rise to my cheeks although I rarely ever did so.

"Cheeky." I teased with a smirk as he placed a trail of soft kiss along my cheek, seemingly sweeter and more upbeat than ever.

"What's really up?" I narrowed my eyes in attempt to analyze the situation.

"Well," He began with a grin. "When you introduced me to your parents." He smiled although I still had no idea what he was talking about.

"What about it?" I shifted nervously recalling how I had called him my boyfriend although having never previously put a label on whatever we were were.

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