Chapter Thirteen: I Lost the Bet

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Word Count: 1000
Trigger warnings: bullying

Craig's POV
As soon as the bell rang, everyone in the room sprang up. Except for me. Did I think that this party was genuinely going to happen? Yes. The rumours have already spread. Did I think that Token was the one who said there was going to be a party? I wouldn't know, I guess. There's something about them being so confident to lose $20 that worries me.

After getting scolded by the teacher, I flipped her off and reluctantly got out of my chair to walk to lunch.

I bought some Doritos and a bottle of spring water from the vending machine and sat down at my usual table with Clyde, Token, Jimmy, and Jason. Tweek wasn't there, but he normally wasn't, so I didn't think much of it.

"So... Token," I started hesitantly, "I heard you were throwing a party?"

"Who'd you hear it from?" Instant relief went through my body. It's not that I didn't want to kiss Tweek. His lips look softer than any girl's lips that I ever met. It's that I'm afraid my heart will break if he doesn't like it. Right, that's something I haven't told you yet. I think I have a crush on Tweek.

"Cartman and the others," I replied.

"Oh, then yeah, I am. I didn't think they would actually tell you. Damn, I owe them each five bucks."

Fuck. There goes all of that relief. Instantly replaced by a lump in my throat. I gulped it down and tried to make myself act normal. I guess I'm not too good at that. I tried to focus on the fact that I have to kiss Tweek soon, but the guilt of my best friend not telling me something directly hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Dude are you okay? You look like Caspar."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Nice stuttering, Tucker.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse's office."

"Yeah." Truth is, of course, I'm not sick, but I can find Tweek. I could tell him what happened and then hope he doesn't have another panic attack.

"I'll go with you."

"No, I'm okay. I'll go alone." Clyde looked hurt by that, but I obviously couldn't take him with me. I took my bookbag and walked out of the cafeteria feeling eyes burning into my back.

Tweek's POV
I opened my eyes and everything hurt. My head, my feet, my stomach, my nose. My legs felt all wobbly and I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn't know where I was but it sure as hell wasn't a classroom. It was way too small, and desks didn't surround me, only empty concrete walls.

I went to open the door. I pulled back on the handle and two things happened. My hand instantly got a jolt of pain from the effort and the door... didn't open.

"Hello?" I tried to yell out to anyone that was outside, but my voice sounded small. "Is anyone out there?"

Then, I remembered my phone. I took it out of my pocket and thought of one person who would even think of coming to help me. Craig is also the only person who I had the number of, besides my parents (and Jack, to block him).

Tweek: Cra ig?
Craig: where are you I've been looking for you
Tweek: ii don't know b ut it's llocked and I  can't ge t out
Craig: what do you mean? like the janitor's closet?
Tweek: I g uess?
Craig: I'll find you soon. Just stay where you are.
Tweek: okaay

It's not like I could move anyways. I could barely stand and the door was locked. I closed my eyes and found myself drifting out of consciousness until I heard the door unlock.

"Tweek? What happened?" Craig looked at me with a monotone expression, but worried eyes.

"I-I don't remember..." I trailed off, thinking of what had happened. I was disrupted in thought when Craig sat down and closed the door.


"I have something to tell you, and I need you not to have a panic attack."

"I can try?" I said, uncertain of myself.

He took a deep breath, "I lost the bet."

"What?!" That meant Craig Tucker had to kiss me, on the lips, for thirty seconds. I felt my breathing speed up, yet I could hear a tiny part of my brain yelling at me for panicking about this.

"Tweek?" I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I felt myself calm down. Then I remembered a fact more important than kissing Craig Tucker. Craig Tucker was going to be my first kiss.

"I-I've never kissed someone before..." I've also never heard myself stutter that much before. His eyes went crazy as if he had a realization.

"I," He started, taking a pause, "I haven't either...."

Now I was in shock. This straight boy with piercing blue eyes and a chiseled jaw has never kissed anyone before.



I felt myself subconsciously lean into the embrace that Craig still had me in.

"M-maybe we should practice so that we don't embarrass ourselves at the party." He stuttered. Craig Tucker stuttered. Wait. What? Did he just— My thoughts felt scattered, but I wasn't losing control this time.

"O-o-okay..." I saw relief wash through his pale face. All of the colour coming back to it a slight tinge of red on his cheeks. I felt mine warm up as we both leaned in.

Our lips met in the middle. His soft but chapped lips touching mine as we figured out how to move and get the kiss to be just right. It wasn't some cliché, fireworks going off in the background kiss. In the first moments, it was awkward, and it wasn't magical like everyone tells you it would be like. I felt hot and sweaty and uncomfortable until we finally got the hang of it. He pulled me onto his lap as we continued the kiss. I felt a bite on my bottom lip and gasped as his tongue entered my mouth, wrestling with my own tongue and exploring my mouth. We fought for power like this for a minute. Only stopping to gasp for air. To me, it was awkward and embarrassing. To him,

"Holy shit, dude." He sat back, holding himself up by his hands as a smirk was placed on his face. I was still sitting on his lap, 'crisscross applesauce' style. I smiled too. I looked at his crimson red cheeks and noticed mine felt like fire on my face. My first kiss was with a guy, that I have a crush on, who is my only friend in this new town, whose last name is Tucker. The life I live is officially crazy, and I don't know how to handle that.

A/N: I don't have anything to say. Leave a vote? Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

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