Chapter Twenty: I'm Sorry

701 30 44

Word Count: 1073
Trigger Warnings: I don't think there is any, please tell me if you see any that I didn't notice!

Tweek's POV
It's all wrong. Pete pulled my shirt up and rubbed my back while a smirk settled on his lips, and all I could feel was guilt. I pulled back quickly. Sure, the kiss was good, but it didn't feel right. Nothing feels right. Pete looked as if he was in utter confusion.

"I- I..." I didn't know what to say.

"Tweek, are you oka—"

I cut him off by standing up and running out of the apartment.

Pete called my name from behind me, chasing after me. I ran faster.

Craig's POV
Just as I was about to pull out of the parking space, I saw Tweek run out of the apartment complex, tears glazing over his eyes, Pete following farther behind him.

I know from experience how fast Tweek is and Pete is not catching up to him anytime soon; Tweek has the endurance of a gazelle.

I ducked in my seat as Tweek passed behind my truck, too focused on the path of escape to take a second glance at the vehicle. This was when I took the second to ask myself: 'Why is Tweek running away from Pete?'

I looked back over at Tweek to see a very panic-ridden stance added to his running. You could visibly tell that he was overthinking and was definitely on the verge of a panic attack.

I looked in the direction of Pete to see him panting and sweating on the sidewalk near the hotel, hunched over and out of breath. So much for taking care of Tweek. I pulled out of the parking space as my phone buzzed.

I stopped the car again and quickly took a peek [Get it? Peek? Pete x Tweek? I'll go] at my phone.

Tweek Tweak sent their location to
"5 homos, 3 heteros, 1 Pan"

I assume Tweek picked the first group chat he saw because Clyde had just created it. Whatever happened in the 20 seconds that I had gone away for must've been serious for Tweek to have texted us to pick him up.

Who am I kidding? This is Tweek we're talking about here. It could've been anything.

The texts sent back varied.

Taco Boy: what happened? r u ok?

Cripple Buddy: Sorry I'm about to start a show, but it's in Denver I can go after

My Nagger: Tweek? Are you alright? What's going on?

Jason: Sorry, Kevin and I are working at the comic shop, we can't go

McWhoremick: no can do from Butters and me either, at Starks Pond

Me: I'm close.
Me: I'll be there soon.

It's crazy how quickly Token and Clyde had gone back to worrying about Tweek instead of turning against him, but I'm not complaining.

I sigh as I go out of the opposite entrance of the complex and circled back around, eventually ending up at the KFC that Tweek had run to.

I got there to see a panicked Tweek outside of the KFC, hugging his legs up to his chest and uncontrollably shaking. I frowned at the sight while I essentially jumped out of the car and ran over to him.

I quickly kneeled down and pulled the thought preoccupied boy into a hug. In a flash, he repositioned himself to where he was suffocating me in a tight embrace and profusely sobbing into my hoodie while my jacket swallowed his muffled frantic words.

"Tweek... it's okay; I'm here. I know you're not feeling the best now, but you'll feel better soon, I promise. I'm here for you." I whispered calming phrases into his ears, and he did his best to calm himself down, but the problem wasn't a panic attack; Tweek was normally sobbing, well, as normal as sobbing can be.

He slowly detached himself from my body and looked at the mess he made on my sweater. He started crying harder, losing all the progress we had made.

I took his hands in mine and made small circles on the back of them in an attempt to calm him down. "I-I-I" he stuttered in between breaths and sobs.

I shushed him and pulled him back into a hug. He slowly but surely went back to a calmer state. Face still red and eyes still puffy from his drained tear ducts, he looked up at me and started to catch his breath again.

"I-I-I'm sorry..." he whispered out looking down at my jacket and refusing to make eye contact.

"Tweek, if you're talking about my jacket it's fin—"

"No, Craig, It's not your jacket. I mean it is, but it's not only that." He cut me off.

I looked at him, confusion pulling at my face, he didn't look up.

"I- I... Pete and I- Well we, Uh, we..." he trailed off. I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want him to know that I was there the entire time.

"It's okay, Tweek, calm down, if it's that bad you can tell me once we get back home and you feel safe and comfortable. Okay?" I asked him in more of a statement.

He nodded, and I got up from my kneeling position, outstretching my hand and pulling him up once he took it. We got back into the car, and I played some AJR from Spotify to calm his nerves, knowing that that was his favourite band after the day we met.


When we arrived back at Token's house, the guard let us in without second thought, knowing my face from the many times I had come over before. I opened the door without knocking and pulled Tweek up the stairs with me to Token's room.

As soon as we opened the door, Clyde screamed and fell off of the bed, arms swinging about, trying to catch something to keep him upright.

Token was seemingly scrolling through social Media before we walked in and he instantly got up and off of the bed. He quickly went to go hug Tweek, "Tweek, where have you been? Clyde and I were worried sick!"

I rolled my eyes, but let them enjoy the small scale reunion, especially after Clyde jumped up with tears in his eyes and essentially pounced on Tweek as they all fell back and into my arms. I pushed them all back up and flipped off Clyde at his overreaction.

A/N: I don't have anything better to do, so why not write another chapter? Tell me what you thought of it! Leave a vote? Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

~Beru <3

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