Chapter Seventeen: Where are you?

795 39 52

Word count: 1060
Trigger warning: Mention of underage drinking

Tweek's POV
The next morning, I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a couch with arms wrapped around my waist. I instantly noticed that I had a pounding headache and it didn't seem like it would be going away anytime soon.

I slowly looked up to the man I was cuddling with. Raven black hair covering his face, he shifted around. I quickly turned myself back into a sleeping position and closed my eyes again.

"Tweek," Wait a minute, "Tweek?" That's not Craig.

I stretched my arms out, shaking, and looked back at the noirette boy. He smiled back at me and I looked back at his hair...

A single red stripe tore down his perfectly black hair and I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. This was not my house. This was not Token's house. This was also not Craig's house. I don't know where I am. My breath became heavy once again. I fell out of the boy's embrace quickly.

"What's wrong?" Pete shot me a worried expression. I knitted my eyebrows staring at the floor and trying to remember anything.

"W-what happened?"

"Well, it was around 2, and I got a random number phone call, so I answered it, being the ex- rebellious kid that I am. It turned out to be you, sobbing on the other line, saying that you were at a party, you couldn't find 'Craig', and that you were scared. You were obviously shit faced, so I went to go pick you up from said party, which was obviously at that rich kid's house-"

"Token," I interrupted.

"Right, Token. Anyways, I found you having a panic attack in the corner of the basement, so I picked you up, like, bridal style, and you calmed down, and took you to my car, and now we're here."

"But we didn't... do anything right?" I gulped.

"No, I would never take advantage of anyone as plastered as you were, but you did try to kiss me a few times..." He chuckled, and I felt my face heat up. "I'm kidding! You kept blubbering on about Craig. Who is he?"

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket rapidly. I stood up and took it out of my back pocket to see who was calling me.

Except, it wasn't a call; it was Craig, Clyde, Token and a boy named 'Butters' spamming and asking me where I was. "That's him."

I quickly took the chance to make a group chat with Craig, Clyde, and Token to tell them that I'm fine and that I had appreciated their concern.

I shot a text to 'Butters' to tell him that I was fine and that I didn't really remember who he was because the last thing I could remember was someone suggesting Karaoke. The rest of the night was a literal blur.

I chuckled at the continuation of accusatory questions from 'Mama Token' and the angry replies from Craig.

"What's up?" Pete piped through my thoughts. I had almost forgotten that he was sat on the couch next to me.

"Nothing, it's just Craig and my other friends. They were apparently aghast at the fact that 'I'm not anywhere to be found'." He chuckled as I flopped back onto the couch.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Pete inquired.

"Dunno..." I replied simply, "but I'm fine with staying here for now, since there isn't school today." I started back at my phone, preparing to send my location to Craig, just in case.

"How's your head doing?" He asked me, referencing the fact that I probably had a terrible hangover.

I was about to respond when I felt a sudden urge to upchuck and covered my mouth quickly.

He noticed my quick motion and pointed towards a white wooden door. I nodded and ran to the suspected bathroom.

I briskly opened the door, turned the lights on, pushed the toilet seat up, and ejected the disgusting fluids from my throat to my mouth to the toilet bowl, flushing after every heave.

Pete got behind me and pushed my hair back while I emptied what little contents there were in my stomach.


After the whole puking fiasco, Pete was quick to get me some Advil for the headache and Pepto Bismol for my stomach.

I had gotten a call from Craig, but I declined it, as to not be rude to the man that was being so caring towards me.

I was enjoying Pete's company. He had all the right things about him. The dark humour, caring personality, and coffee addiction almost as terrible as mine.

I felt a stupid smile crawl onto my lips as I stared into his glossy eyes. He smiled back at me, and we sat there, staring at each other in comfortable silence for a while.

This bliss lasted only for a few minutes before my 'parents' otherwise known as Token, Clyde, and Craig started calling me again.

I smiled apologetically at Pete and he nodded, giving me permission to answer my distraught friends. I sighed as I answered Clyde's call.

"Hello?" I groaned at the entire situation.

"Tweek? Where are you?" Clyde answered from the other line, "Stop breathing down my neck, Craig!" I pulled the phone away from my ear a little before chuckling at the image forming in my head.

"I'm at a friends house," I replied, simply.

"What friends do you have other than us?" Craig asked over Clyde's shoulder, slight concern wavering in his voice.

"I have a few!" I said defensively. Pete snickered at my response.

"What was that?" Token asked, presumably on the other side of Clyde as I heard Clyde scream in surprise.

"It was my friend; Now, can you guys leave me alone?" I whined.

I heard a variety of answers. Craig said "No", Clyde said "fine" and 'Mama Token' said "Hell No, you tell us where you are right now," just a few seconds before the call ended.

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding as Clyde hung up the call despite my 'parent's reactions.

I expected them to call me back, so I silenced my phone and looked back towards Pete. His sparkling eyes from before looked almost dull until we locked sight again.


We talked for hours upon hours and he watched over me as my first ever hangover got better throughout the day. He cared for me and made sure I recovered with ease. I felt safe with him.

I think I'm getting over my burdensome crush on Craig. Not for a girl, but for another guy...

A/N: Surprise chapter! I figured it out; it's not that I had hit writers' block, it was that I had spent to much time trying to write an idea that wasn't good for the story. I like this idea much better than the first one. Leave a vote? Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

~Beru <3

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